capistrano-daemonize adds a daemonize method to Capistrano's DSL to generate tasks that control arbitrary processes as daemons. It makes use of Debian's /sbin/start-stop-daemon, which is available in every Debian-based Linux distribution like Ubuntu. OpenSuSE and Mandriva do have the binary in both the sysvinit and dpkg packages.
Sample usage in your deploy.rb
require 'capistrano-daemonize'
daemonize '/usr/bin/env bundle exec rake qc:work', as: 'myworker', callbacks: true, role: :worker
This creates three tasks: myworker:start, myworker:stop and myworker:restart.
The namspace is defined by the mandatory option :as
If :callbacks
is set, the tasks are automatically added to the respective
deploy tasks. You could do that manually by adding:
after 'deploy:restart', 'myworker:restart'
after 'deploy:start', 'myworker:start'
after 'deploy:stop', 'myworker:stop'
You can use the :pidfile
and :logfile
options to defined the respective
files, which default to "#{shared_path}/pids/"
may be used to set the working directory for the daemon and
to switch to another user than logged in.
Other options, like :role
in the example above, will be used when defining the tasks.