Capistrano EC2 Selfdeploy Tag
capistrano-ec2-selfdeploy-tag is used to replace a specific Git tag with whichever codebase was just successfully deployed. This same tag is then used alongside another system, in order to deploy the latest production code to a newly autoscaled EC2 instance.
The autoscale deployment system is not provided by this Gem.
gem install capistrano-ec2-selfdeploy-tag
In your deploy.rb:
require 'capistrano/ec2/selfdeploy/tag'
Now when you run a standard 'cap deploy', upon success you will see the following line in your output:
Recreating Git selfdeploy tag 'inproduction'...
When autoscaling a new EC2 instance and performing a self deploy, make sure you call 'cap ec2_instance deploy'. You will then see the following output instead:
This is a self deployment task - not recreating selfdeploy tag...
The 'ec2_instance deploy' prevents the selfdeploy_tag from being updated, and ensures the deployment branch is set to the selfdeploy_tag.
Overriding Defaults
By default, capistrano-ec2-selfdeploy-tag will use the Git tag 'inproduction'. You can use a different tag if you like. Put this in your deploy.rb:
set :selfdeploy_tag, "your_tag_name"
You can also decide to skip recreating the tag for specific deploy tasks. To do so, put this in your deploy.rb:
set :update_selfdeploy_tag, false