Capistrano strategy: Copy with triggers
This recipe for capistrano utilizes the regular copy strategy. However, it offers some hooks to prepare the build before compression and distribution.
gem install 'capistrano-strategy-copy-with-triggers'
As this recipe does it's own bundling, there is not need to: require 'bundler/capistrano'
All you have to do in your config/deploy.rb
require 'capistrano-strategy-copy-with-triggers'
set :deploy_via, :copy_with_triggers
This gem also add a method to retrieve the path of release build directory:
set :build_dir "#{strategy.destinationrelease}"
Additionally to that, you can set the usual options when using the regular :copy strategy for capistrano, like:
set :copy_cache, ".cacheCopyDir" # path where scm update is cached to speed up deploy
set :copy_dir, ".buildDir" # path where files are temporarily put before sending them to the servers
set :copy_exclude, ".git*" # we exclude the .git repo so that nobody is able to temper with the release
#Callback triggers to add your own steps within (in order)
on 'strategy:before:compression', 'some:custom:task'
on 'strategy:after:compression', 'some:custom:task'
on 'strategy:before:distribute', 'some:custom:task'
on 'strategy:after:distribute', 'some:custom:task'