This gem provides a number of tasks which are useful for deploying Magento projects with Capistrano.
rubygems must be installed on your system first.
$ gem install capmagento
Install with Bundler (recommended)
This version use capistrano 3. To avoid conflicts, I recommend to install both capistrano and capmagento from Bundler.
Create a 'Gemfile' on the root of your project
group :development do
gem 'capmagento', '~> 1.0.0'
Install the depencies
$ bundle install
Add it to the Capfile:
require 'capistrano/magento'
Use capistrano through bundle
$ bundle exec cap mage:cc
for available commands, see:
$ bundle exec cap -T
cap mage:cc # Clear Magento Cache
cap mage:disable # Disable the Magento install by creating the maintenance.flag in the web root
cap mage:enable # Enable the Magento stores by removing the maintenance.flag in the web root
cap mage:hwscache # Clear Cheetah Cache
cap mage:hwscc # Clear Cheetah Cache
cap mage:indexer # Run the Magento indexer