Elevenlabs Ruby Gem
A Ruby client for the ElevenLabs Text-to-Speech API.
This gem provides an easy-to-use interface for:
- Listing available voices
- Fetching details about a voice
- Creating a custom voice (with uploaded sample files)
- Editing an existing voice
- Deleting a voice
- Converting text to speech and retrieving the generated audio
All requests are handled via Faraday.
Table of Contents
- Features
- Installation
- Usage
- Basic Example
- Rails Integration
- Store API Key in Rails Credentials
- Rails Initializer
- Controller Example
- Endpoints
- Error Handling
- Development
- Contributing
- License
- Simple and intuitive API client for ElevenLabs.
- Multipart file uploads for training custom voices.
- Automatic authentication via API key configuration.
- Error handling with custom exceptions.
- Rails integration support (including credentials storage).
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem "elevenlabs"
Then run:
bundle install
Or install it directly using:
gem install elevenlabs
Usage Basic Example (Standalone Ruby)
require "elevenlabs"
# 1. Configure the gem globally (Optional)
Elevenlabs.configure do |config|
config.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
# 2. Initialize a client (will use configured API key)
client = Elevenlabs::Client.new
# 3. List available voices
voices = client.list_voices
puts voices # JSON response with voices
# 4. Convert text to speech
voice_id = "YOUR_VOICE_ID"
text = "Hello from Elevenlabs!"
audio_data = client.text_to_speech(voice_id, text)
# 5. Save the audio file
File.open("output.mp3", "wb") { |f| f.write(audio_data) }
puts "Audio file saved to output.mp3"
Note: You can override the API key per request:
client = Elevenlabs::Client.new(api_key: "DIFFERENT_API_KEY")
Rails Integration Store API Key in Rails Credentials
- Open your encrypted credentials:
EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit
- Add the ElevenLabs API key:
- Save and exit. Rails will securely encrypt your API key.
Rails Initializer Create an initializer file: config/initializers/elevenlabs.rb
# config/initializers/elevenlabs.rb
require "elevenlabs"
Rails.application.config.to_prepare do
Elevenlabs.configure do |config|
config.api_key = Rails.application.credentials.dig(:eleven_labs, :api_key)
Now you can simply call:
client = Elevenlabs::Client.new
without manually providing an API key.
- List Voices
# => { "voices" => [...] }
- Get Voice Details
# => { "voice_id" => "...", "name" => "...", ... }
- Create a Custom Voice
sample_files = [File.open("sample1.mp3", "rb")]
client.create_voice("Custom Voice", sample_files, description: "My custom AI voice")
# => JSON response with new voice details
- Check if a voice is banned?
sample_files = [File.open("trump.mp3", "rb")]
client.create_voice("Donald Trump", sample_files, description: "My Trump Voice")
=> {"voice_id"=>"<RETURNED_VOICE_ID>", "requires_verification"=>false}
client.banned? trump
=> true
- Edit a Voice
client.edit_voice("VOICE_ID", name: "Updated Voice Name")
# => JSON response with updated details
- Delete a Voice
# => JSON response acknowledging deletion
- Convert Text to Speech
audio_data = client.text_to_speech("VOICE_ID", "Hello world!")
File.open("output.mp3", "wb") { |f| f.write(audio_data) }
8 Stream Text to Speech stream from terminal
Mac: brew install sox
Linux: sudo apt install sox
IO.popen("play -t mp3 -", "wb") do |audio_pipe| # Notice "wb" (write binary)
client.text_to_speech_stream("VOICE_ID", "Some text to stream back in chunks") do |chunk|
audio_pipe.write(chunk.b) # Ensure chunk is written as binary
Error Handling When the API returns an error, the gem raises specific exceptions:
Exception Meaning Elevenlabs::BadRequestError Invalid request parameters Elevenlabs::AuthenticationError Invalid API key Elevenlabs::NotFoundError Resource (voice) not found Elevenlabs::APIError General API failure Example:
client.text_to_speech("INVALID_VOICE_ID", "Test")
rescue Elevenlabs::AuthenticationError => e
puts "Invalid API key: #{e.message}"
rescue Elevenlabs::NotFoundError => e
puts "Voice not found: #{e.message}"
rescue Elevenlabs::APIError => e
puts "General error: #{e.message}"
Development Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/your-username/elevenlabs.git
cd elevenlabs
Install dependencies
bundle install
Build the gem
gem build elevenlabs.gemspec
Install the gem locally
gem install ./elevenlabs-0.0.3.gem
Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps:
Fork the repository Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature) Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add new feature') Push to your branch (git push origin feature/my-new-feature) Create a Pull Request describing your changes For bug reports, please open an issue with details.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
⭐ Thank you for using the Elevenlabs Ruby Gem! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to open an issue or submit a Pull Request!