miyazakiresistance¶ ↑
MiyazakiResistance is a library like ActiveRecord to use Tokyo Tyrant. MiyazakiResistance support Master/Slave. If Slave server down, it separates automatically. MiyazakiResistance support Dual Master(Active/Standby). If Active server down, Standby server become Active.
require 'miyazakiresistance' class Example < MiyazakiResistance::Base server :localhost, 1975, :write server :slave_host, 1975, :standby timeout 1 column :name, :string column :age, :number column :birthday, :date column :created_at, :datetime end work = Example.new work.name = "tsukasa" work.age = 34 work.birthday => Date.today work.save Example.create(:name => "oishi", :age => 14, :birthday => Date.today) Example.count Example.count(:conditions => ["name = ?", "oishi"]) Example.find(1) Example.find([1,2]) Example.find(:first) Example.find(:all) Example.find(:all, :conditions => ["name = ? age = ?", "tsukasa", 34], :order => "created_at DESC", :offset => 1, :limit => 1) Example.find_by_name("tsukasa") Example.find_all_by_name_and_age("tsukasa", 34) Example.first Example.delete_all(["created_at > ?", Time.local(2009,11,15)]) * You can write in config file require 'miyazakiresistance' class Example < MiyazakiResistance::Base server_config Rails.env, "log/miyazakiresistance.yml" timeout 60 column :name, :string column :age, :integer column :birthday, :date column :created_at, :datetime end 'in log/miyazakiresistance.log' developemnt: set_server: - server: localhost port: 1975
role: write
- server: localhost port: 1978
role: readonly
Tokyo Tyrant
sudo gem install miyazakiresistance
Miyazakiresistance is released under the MIT license.