Trending Projects for February 26, 2012
Discover libraries that are gaining popularity within the Ruby community. You can find an overview of how we calculate these in our documentation.
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated automatically based on column types. The contents of the cell are up for the developer, just like one does when rendering a collection via a simple table. WiceGrid automates implementation of filters, ordering, paginations, CSV export, and so on. Ruby blocks provide an elegant means for this.
Ruby Sass is deprecated! See for details.
Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS, adding
nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.
It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the
command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs,
placing those jobs on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Background jobs can be any Ruby class or module that responds to
perform. Your existing classes can easily be converted to background
jobs or you can create new classes specifically to do work. Or, you
can do both.
Resque is heavily ...
'archive-tar-minitar' has been deprecated; just install 'minitar'. The minitar library is a pure-Ruby library that provides the ability to deal
with POSIX tar(1) archive files.
This is release 0.12. This is likely the last revision before 1.0.
minitar (previously called Archive::Tar::Minitar) is based heavily on code
originally written by Mauricio Julio Fernández Pradier for the rpa-base
New Relic is a performance management system, developed by New Relic,
Inc ( New Relic provides you with deep
information about the performance of your web application as it runs
in production. The New Relic Ruby agent is dual-purposed as a either a
Gem or plugin, hosted on