Trending Projects for July 22, 2012

Discover libraries that are gaining popularity within the Ruby community. You can find an overview of how we calculate these in our documentation.


BinData is a declarative way to read and write binary file formats. This means the programmer specifies *what* the format of the binary data is, and BinData works out *how* to read and write data in this format. It is an easier ( and more readable ) alternative to ruby's #pack and #unpack methods.


The fastest JSON parser and object serializer.


Use Pry as your rails console


General ruby templating with json, bson, xml and msgpack support


Sinatra is a DSL for quickly creating web applications in Ruby with minimal effort.


Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines


Guard::Bundler automatically install/update your gem bundle when needed


A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your Rails applications.


Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks.


Ruby FFI library


The Ruby cloud services library. Supports all major cloud providers including AWS, Rackspace, Linode, Blue Box, StormOnDemand, and many others. Full support for most AWS services including EC2, S3, CloudWatch, SimpleDB, ELB, and RDS.


This gem aims at being a simple and reliable solution for controlling external programs running in the background on any Ruby / OS combination.


A library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord.


test-unit (Test::Unit) is unit testing framework for Ruby, based on xUnit principles. These were originally designed by Kent Beck, creator of extreme programming software development methodology, for Smalltalk's SUnit. It allows writing tests, checking results and automated testing in Ruby.


High performance memcached client for Ruby


HTTP/REST API client library.


Ruby/Graphviz provides an interface to layout and generate images of directed graphs in a variety of formats (PostScript, PNG, etc.) using GraphViz.


Test your JavaScript without any framework dependencies, in any environment, and with a nice descriptive syntax. Jasmine for Ruby is deprecated. We recommend using the jasmine-browser-runner NPM package instead. It supports all the same scenarios as this gem plus Webpacker. See for setup instructions, and


Run Test::Unit / RSpec / Cucumber / Spinach in parallel


A Ruby client that tries to match Redis' API one-to-one, while still providing an idiomatic interface.


Like a modern code version of the mythical beast with 100 serpent heads, Typhoeus runs HTTP requests in parallel while cleanly encapsulating handling logic.


Daemons provides an easy way to wrap existing ruby scripts (for example a self-written server) to be run as a daemon and to be controlled by simple start/stop/restart commands. You can also call blocks as daemons and control them from the parent or just daemonize the current process. Besides this basic functionality, daemons offers many advanced features like exce...


Manipulate images with minimal use of memory via ImageMagick


Run any kind of code in parallel processes


The Database Toolkit for Ruby


Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call.


Mocking and stubbing library with JMock/SchMock syntax, which allows mocking and stubbing of methods on real (non-mock) classes.


Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax. Rake has the following features: * Rakefiles (rake's version of Makefiles) are completely defined in standard Ruby syntax. No XML files to edit. No quirky Makefile syntax to worry about (is that a tab or a space?) * Users can specify tasks with prerequisites. * Rake supports ...


Bundler manages an application's dependencies through its entire life, across many machines, systematically and repeatably


FXRuby is the Ruby binding to the FOX GUI toolkit.


Curb (probably CUrl-RuBy or something) provides Ruby-language bindings for the libcurl(3), a fully-featured client-side URL transfer library. cURL and libcurl live at


ruby_parser (RP) is a ruby parser written in pure ruby (utilizing racc--which does by default use a C extension). It outputs s-expressions which can be manipulated and converted back to ruby via the ruby2ruby gem. As an example: def conditional1 arg1 return 1 if arg1 == 0 return 0 end becomes: s(:defn, :conditional1, s(:args, :arg1), s(:if, s(:call, s(:...


a code metric tool for rails codes, written in Ruby.