Trending Projects for April 28, 2013

Discover libraries that are gaining popularity within the Ruby community. You can find an overview of how we calculate these in our documentation.


The CocoaPods-Core gem provides support to work with the models of CocoaPods. It is intended to be used in place of the CocoaPods when the the installation of the dependencies is not needed.


Loads environment variables from `.env`.


Profiling toolkit for Rack applications with Rails integration. Client Side profiling, DB profiling and Server profiling.


Xcodeproj lets you create and modify Xcode projects from Ruby. Script boring management tasks or build Xcode-friendly libraries. Also includes support for Xcode workspaces (.xcworkspace) and configuration files (.xcconfig).


Simple wrapper for the GitHub API


Run Test::Unit / RSpec / Cucumber / Spinach in parallel


Common interface for Ruby's HTTP libraries


Run any kind of code in parallel processes


Provides the generator settings required for Rails to use Slim


A Google OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x. This allows you to login to Google with your ruby app.


Collection of useful Sinatra extensions


The complete solution for Ruby command-line executables. Commander bridges the gap between other terminal related libraries you know and love (OptionParser, HighLine), while providing many new features, and an elegant API.


Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web frameworks.


A set of classes for parsing CSS in Ruby.


You can prove anything with facts!


Inspired by ctemplate, Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views. As ctemplates says, "It emphasizes separating logic from presentation: it is impossible to embed application logic in this template language. Think of Mustache as a replacement for your views. Instead of views consisting of ERB or HAML with random helpers and arbitrary logic, your views are broken into two...


Pry Doc is a Pry REPL plugin. It provides extended documentation support for the REPL by means of improving the `show-doc` and `show-source` commands. With help of the plugin the commands are be able to display the source code and the docs of Ruby methods and classes implemented in C. documentation


Pg is the Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. It works with PostgreSQL 9.3 and later.


A set of common locale data and translations to internationalize and/or localize your Rails applications.


Behaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy


Makes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.


Gherkin parser


Deface is a library that allows you to customize ERB, Haml and Slim views in a Rails application without editing the underlying view.


XPath is a Ruby DSL for generating XPath expressions


Capybara is an integration testing tool for rack based web applications. It simulates how a user would interact with a website


Great Ruby debugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure. Supports custom object formatting via plugins


A simple mixin for CLI interfaces, including option parsing


Uglifier minifies JavaScript files by wrapping UglifyJS to be accessible in Ruby


Ancestry allows the records of a ActiveRecord model to be organized in a tree structure, using the materialized path pattern. It exposes the standard relations (ancestors, parent, root, children, siblings, descendants) and allows them to be fetched in a single query. Additional features include named scopes, integrity checking, integrity restoration, arrangement of (sub)tree into ha...


Some [hopefully] useful extensions to Ruby's String class. Stringex is made up of three libraries: ActsAsUrl [permalink solution with better character translation], Unidecoder [Unicode to ASCII transliteration], and StringExtensions [miscellaneous helper methods for the String class].


A gem that provides a simple mixin for log functionality


Ruby client for the Stomp messaging protocol.


Faker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.


A systems integration framework, built to bring the benefits of configuration management to your entire infrastructure.


Tag helpers, asset helpers, form helpers, form builders and many more helpers for padrino


The Padrino core gem required for use of this framework


Rake is a Make-like program implemented in Ruby. Tasks and dependencies are specified in standard Ruby syntax. Rake has the following features: * Rakefiles (rake's version of Makefiles) are completely defined in standard Ruby syntax. No XML files to edit. No quirky Makefile syntax to worry about (is that a tab or a space?) * Users can specify tasks with prerequisites. * Rake supports ...


Active Merchant is a simple payment abstraction library used in and sponsored by Shopify. It is written by Tobias Luetke, Cody Fauser, and contributors. The aim of the project is to feel natural to Ruby users and to abstract as many parts as possible away from the user to offer a consistent interface across all supported gateways.


An unobtrusive ruby authentication library based on ActiveRecord.