Works like ZeroMQ. Feels like Ruby.
The 0mq gem is a Ruby wrapper for the ZeroMQ (libzmq) API. Built on ffi-rzmq-core, the bridge from Ruby to ZeroMQ’s C API, the 0mq gem conceals the interaction with FFI and exposes an interface that uses blocks, raises exceptions, and feels like the Ruby we love to use.
Supported ZeroMQ (libzmq) versions:
Supported Ruby versions:
MRI >= 1.9
Rubinius 2.x
Feature Requests / Bug Reports
File them as issues or pull requests on the 0mq github repository.
Joe McIlvain
Alex McLain
Installation / Prerequisites
Requires the libzmq library.
PGM (multicast) requires compiling libzmq with ./configure --with-pgm
Curve cryptography requires compiling libzmq with libsodium.
ZeroMQ Documentation
Code Examples
Using The 0mq Gem
require '0mq'
Create A Socket
Sockets can be created by specifying the ZMQ socket type. Any errors will be raised as exceptions.
socket = ZMQ::Socket.new ZMQ::PULL
socket.connect 'tcp://'
Send And Receive Data
address = 'tcp://'
push = ZMQ::Socket.new ZMQ::PUSH
push.bind address
pull = ZMQ::Socket.new ZMQ::PULL
pull.connect address
push.send_string 'test'
string = pull.recv_string
puts string
Poll A Socket For Data
address = 'inproc://poll_example'
pull = ZMQ::Socket.new ZMQ::PULL
pull.bind address
# Push a message after a delay.
Thread.new do
push = ZMQ::Socket.new ZMQ::PUSH
push.connect address
sleep 3
push.send_string 'test'
# Check if pull has any data (it doesn't yet).
# (Non-blocking demonstration.)
result = ZMQ::Poll.poll_nonblock pull
puts "No data available yet." if result.empty?
# Do a blocking poll until the pull socket has data.
ZMQ::Poll.poll pull do |socket, event|
puts socket.recv_string
Proxy Sockets
A proxy can be used to funnel multiple endpoints into a single connection. See: Pub-Sub Network with a Proxy
# ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
# | Endpoint REQ | --> | Proxy ROUTER | --> | Proxy DEALER | --> | Endpoint REP |
# ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
# Create sockets.
endpoint_req = ZMQ::Socket.new(ZMQ::REQ).tap { |s| s.bind 'inproc://proxy_in' }
proxy_router = ZMQ::Socket.new(ZMQ::ROUTER).tap { |s| s.connect 'inproc://proxy_in' }
proxy_dealer = ZMQ::Socket.new(ZMQ::DEALER).tap { |s| s.bind 'inproc://proxy_out' }
endpoint_rep = ZMQ::Socket.new(ZMQ::REP).tap { |s| s.connect 'inproc://proxy_out' }
# Create the proxy.
Thread.new { ZMQ::Proxy.proxy proxy_router, proxy_dealer }
# Send a message.
endpoint_req.send_string 'test'
puts endpoint_rep.recv_string