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Generates proper XML files for the ESB framework from a DSL.


>= 0


>= 0
>= 0
 Project Readme


ESBify is a simple DSL for creating the necessary XML files for the ESB framework.


$ gem install esbify

should do the trick provided you have a recent enough installation of Ruby. Run this to list basic usage:

$ esbify -h


# This is a comment

# This is a header. Anything after this header will go to the relevant file

# And this is an element, in this case an expectation.
name:       may_not_have_bangs
# We haven't included an `agent:` label, it defaults to `self`.
condition:  played(P1, duel, P2) | responded(P1, bang, P2, duel) | played(P1, indians, P2)
phi:        requires_bang_response(P2)
test_plus:  lost_life(P2)
test_minus: played(P2, bang, P3) | responded(P2, bang, P3, _)
  + has_no_bangs # `+` means that this will be added to EXP_C
  - may_not_have_bangs # `-` means this will be removed from EXP_C
  - has_no_bangs

# Lines separate elements

# As a shortcut if the first label in an element has no content it is automatically considered a name
has_no_bangs: # equivalent to `name: has_no_bangs`
condition:  requires_bang_response℗ | has_no_bangs(P)
phi:        has_no_bangs_phi(P)
# You can use embedded Ruby to process things compile time
<% if @drawing_supported %>
test_minus: draw(P, X)
  - has_no_bangs
<% end %>
# Since test_plus (or minus) is closely related to rho_plus (or minus), the rho may be ommited
test_plus: see(Enemy)
  - may_not_have_bangs

# As you have guessed this goes to Behaviors.xml

name:   JI plans
jason:  has_no_bangs(P)
action: card_expectation(P, bang, 0)

TextMate Plugin

The package contains a TextMate plugin that you may install. It provides syntax highlighting and some basic snippets.

Notes on Behaviors

name is an identifier and isn't particularly useful. When omitted, a random number will be used.

ctl is a computation tree logic.

The syntax of CTL formulas recognized by NUSMV is as follows:

ctl_expr =

simple_expr a simple boolean expression
( ctl_expr )
! ctl_expr logical not
ctl_expr & ctl_expr logical and
ctl_expr xor ctl_expr logical exclusive or
ctl_expr xnor ctl_expr logical NOT exclusive or
ctl_expr -> ctl_expr logical implies
ctl_expr <-> ctl_expr logical equivalence
EG ctl_expr exists globally
EX ctl_expr exists next state
EF ctl_expr exists finally
AG ctl_expr forall globally
AX ctl_expr for all next state
AF ctl_expr for all finally
E [ ctl_expr U ctl_expr ] exists until
A [ ctl_expr U ctl_expr ] forall until
  • EX p is true in a state s if there exists a state s′ such that a transition goes from s to s′ and p is true in s′.
  • AX p is true in a states iff or all states s′ wherethereisatransitionfromstos′,pistrue in s′.
  • EF p is true in a state s0 if there exists a series of transitions s0 → s1, s1 → s2, ..., sn−1 →sn such that p is true in sn.
  • AF p is true in a state s0 if for all series of transitions s0 → s1,s1 → s2,...,sn−1 → sn p is true in sn.
  • EG p is true in a state s0 if there exists an infinite series of transitions s0 → s1, s1 → s2, ... such that p is true in every si.
  • AG p is true in a state s0 if for all infinite series of transitions s0 →s1,s1 →s2,... p is true in every si.
  • E[p U q] is true in a state s0 if there exists a series of transitions s0 → s1, s1 → s2, ..., sn−1 → sn such that p is true in every state from s0 to sn−1 and q is true in state sn.
  • A[p U q] is true in a state s0 if for all series of transitions s0 → s1,s1 → s2,..., sn−1 → sn p is true in every state from s0 to sn−1 and q is true in state sn. A CTL formula is true if it is true in all initial states.

jason is a logic inside the ASL agent.

Both ctl and jason need to be true to execute action, which is a ASL belief that will be added to the agent's belief base.