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A api client for riminder, permit to access and manipulate some Riminder's services without the web interface.


~> 3.5
~> 0.58.2


>= 2.0.2, ~> 2.0
 Project Readme


A ruby api client for Riminder api.

Installation with ruby gems

You should have a >= 2.5 Ruby version installed.

gem install Riminder


To authenticate against the api, get your API SECRET KEY from your riminder dashboard: findApiSecret

Then create a new Riminder object with this key:

    require 'riminder'

    # Authentification to api
    client ="your shiny key")

    # Finally you can use the api!!

## Api overview

    require 'riminder'

    client ="your shiny key")

    # Let's retrieve a profile.
    profile = client.profile.get "source_id" => "a source id", 
        "profile_id" => "id of the profile"

    # And print his name !
    puts("This profile name is %s" [profile['name']])


If an error occurs while an operation an exception inherited from RiminderException is raised.

    require 'riminder'
    require 'riminderException'

    client ="your shiny key")

        profile = client.profile.get "source_id" => "a source id",
             "profile_id" => "id of the profile"
    rescue => RiminderException
        # some treatment.


The mentionned team is the team linked to your secret key.

When both *_id and *_reference arguments are requested only one is requiered. For example client.filter.get() can take a

  • filter_id (client.filter.get "filter_id" => filter_id)
  • filter_reference (client.filter.get "filter_reference" => filter_reference)

and work as well.

Only the data field will be returned by methods.

For details and examples see our documentation.


  • Get all filters from the team.
    • returns: Array of Hash containing the filters.
resp = client.filter.list
  • Get a specific filter.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "filter_id" id of the filter (required)
      • "filter_reference" reference of the filter (required)
    • Returns: Hash containing the filter.
resp = client.filter.get "filter_id" => "a filter id"

More details about filters are available here


  • Retrieve the profiles information associated with specified source ids.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_ids" Array of source ids (requiered)
      • "seniority" profile's seniority
      • "filter_id" filter id (to sort by filter stage and/or rating)
      • "filter_reference" filter_reference (to sort by filter stage and/or rating)
      • "stage" stage (to sort by filter stage and/or rating)
      • "rating" rating (to sort by filter stage and/or rating)
      • "date_start" profile's first date of reception (default 9/9/2012)
      • "date_end" profile's last date of reception (default: now)
      • "page" selected page (default: 1)
      • "limit" number of result by page
      • "sort_by" sort profile by (default: ranking)
      • "order_by" order profile by
    • Returns: Array of Hash containing the profiles
resp = client.profile.list "source_ids" => source_ids, "seniority" => "all", "page" => 2, "limit" => 5
  • Add a new profile to a source on the platform.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "filepath" path of the file to be uploaded. (required)
      • "source_id" id of the target source. (required)
      • "timestamp_reception" reception's timestamp
      • "profile_reference" reference for the new profile
      • "training_metadata" training metadatas to add.
    • Returns: Hash containing upload result.
resp = client.profile.add "filepath" => "path/to/file", "source_id" => source_id, "profile_reference" => "reference0"
  • Get a specific profile.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_id" id of the source containing the profile (required)
      • "profile_id" id of the profile (required)
      • "profile_reference" reference of the profile (required)
    • Returns: Hash containing the profile.
resp = client.profile.get "source_id" => source_id, "profile_reference" => profile_reference
  • Get attachements of a specific profile.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_id" id of the source containing the profile (required)
      • "profile_id" id of the profile (required)
      • "profile_reference" reference of the profile (required)
    • Returns: Array of Hash containing the profile attachements.
resp = client.profile.document.list "source_id" => source_id, "profile_id" => profile_id
  • Get parsing result of a specific profile.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_id" id of the source containing the profile (required)
      • "profile_id" id of the profile (required)
      • "profile_reference" reference of the profile (required)
    • Returns: Hash containing the profile parsing.
resp = client.profile.parsing.get "source_id" => source_id, "profile_id" => profile_id
  • Get scoring result of a specific profile.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_id" id of the source containing the profile (required)
      • "profile_id" id of the profile (required)
      • "profile_reference" reference of the profile (required)
    • Returns: Array of Hash containing the profile scoring.
resp = client.profile.scoring.list "source_id" => source_id, "profile_reference" => profile_reference
  • Reveal the interpretability result of a specific profile.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_id" id of the source containing the profile (required)
      • "profile_id" id of the profile (required)
      • "profile_reference" reference of the profile (required)
      • "filter_id" id of the target filter (required)
      • "filter_reference" reference of the target filter (required)
    • Returns: Array of Hash containing the profile's scores for the specified filter.
resp = client.profile.revealing.get "source_id" => source_id, "profile_id" => profile_id, "filter_reference" => filter_reference
  • Set stage of a specific profile for a spcified filter.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_id" id of the source containing the profile (required)
      • "profile_id" id of the profile (required)
      • "profile_reference" reference of the profile (required)
      • "filter_id" id of the target filter (required)
      • "filter_reference" reference of the target filter (required)
      • "stage" new stage
    • Returns: Hash containing operation result.
resp = client.profile.stage.set "source_id" => source_id, "profile_id" => profile_id, "filter_reference" => filter_reference, "stage" => "YES"
  • Set rating of a specific profile for a spcified filter.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "source_id" id of the source containing the profile (required)
      • "profile_id" id of the profile (required)
      • "profile_reference" reference of the profile (required)
      • "filter_id" id of the target filter (required)
      • "filter_reference" reference of the target filter (required)
      • "stage" new stage
    • Returns: Hash containing operation result.
resp = client.profile.rating.set "source_id" => source_id, "profile_id" => profile_id, "filter_reference" => filter_reference, "rating" => 3
  • Check if a parsed profile is valid.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "profile_json" profile data to check. (required)
      • "training_metadata" training metadatas to add.
    • Returns: Hash containing upload result.
resp = client.profile.json.check "profile_json" => profile_datas
  • Add a parsed profile to a source on the platform.
    • Arguments: Hash containing
      • "profile_json" profile data to upload. (required)
      • "source_id" id of the target source. (required)
      • "timestamp_reception" reception's timestamp
      • "profile_reference" reference for the new profile
      • "training_metadata" training metadatas to add.
    • Returns: Hash containing upload result.
resp = client.profile.json.add "profile_json" => profile_datas, "source_id" => "a source_id", "timestamp_reception" => 1347209668

More details about profiles are available here


  • Get all source from the team.
    • returns: Array of Hash containing the sources.
resp = client.source.list
  • Get a specific source.
    • Arguments:
      • source_id -> id of the source to retrieve.
    • Returns: Hash containing a specific source.
resp = client.source.get "source_id"

More details about profiles are available here


Webhooks methods permit you handle webhook events. To handle event a webhook key is needed to be passed at Riminder object creation:"api_key", "webhook key")

  • Check if team's webhook integration is working.
    • Returns: Hash containing operation result.
resp = client.webhooks.check 
  • Set an handler for a specified webhook event.
    • Arguments:
      • eventName -> name of the target event
      • callback -> callable called when target webhook is received.
        • takes 2 args:
          • eventName: name of the event (type field of webhooks)
          • payload: webhooks datas
client.webhooks.setHandler("profile.parse.success", handler);
  • Check if there is an handler for a specified event
    • Arguments:
      • eventName -> target event name
  • Remove the handler for an event
    • Arguments:
      • eventName -> target event name
  • Start the selected handler depending of the event given.
    • Arguments:
      • receivedMessage -> received webhook request's headers as a Hash or the content of received webhook request's "HTTP-RIMINDER-SIGNATURE"header.


client ="an api key", "webhook_key")

cb  = -> (event_type, event_data) {
    # some treatment here
api.webhooks.setHandler "profile.parse.success", cb

encodedHeader = get_webhook_headers()
api.webhooks.handle encodedHeader

More details about webhooks are available here


Some tests are available. To run them follow these steps:

  • git clone
  • cd ruby-riminder-api
  • bundle install
  • rspec --format doc

Help and documentation

If you need some more details about the api methods and routes see Riminder API Docs.

If you need further explainations about how the api works see Riminder API Overview