Gem to create a chatbot with simple scripts. Can run in console, web or desktop applications.
Depends of:
Simple NLP with algorithms:
- Segmenter: https://github.com/diasks2/pragmatic_segmenter
- Stemmer: https://github.com/aurelian/ruby-stemmer
- Tokenize: https://github.com/arbox/tokenizer
- WordCount: https://github.com/abitdodgy/words_counted
- TF-IDF: https://github.com/mathieuripert/ruby-tf-idf
- Similarity: https://github.com/brianhempel/fuzzy_tools
gem install TacTalk
How to use
You can create a chatbot with this lib and the usage is very simple. First, you need create a YAML file with these params:
- question: Who is the most richest man in the world?
answer: Bill Gates.
- question: What is the more expensive car?
answer: McLaren P1 GTR and cost $3.3M.
- question: What was the most popular programming language in 2015?
answer: C, by Tiobe.
- question: Good night
answer: Good night!
Now, you can ask for TacTalk:
require 'tactalk'
tac = TacTalk.new
tac.add_question_document "/path/to/file.yaml"
tac.ask "Who is the richest guy?"
# -> Bill Gates.
How call a method with a question?
In our example, we created this class:
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
require 'sanitize'
class GetWikipediaPage
def initialize doc
@doc = doc
# This method will call by TacTalk
def run
url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=parse&page=china"
content = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url))
result = JSON.load content
Sanitize.fragment result['parse']['text']['*']
Now, you must add a question and call the param method
in question YAML file.
- question: China in wikipedia
method: GetWikipediaPage
And run these lines:
require 'tactalk'
tac = TacTalk.new
tac.add_question_document "/path/to/file.yaml"
tac.ask "I'd like to know about china in Wikipedia?"
# -> This article is about the People's Republic of China. For the Republic of China.......