Ruby gem - TranslatorAPI
Library Ruby the translator based on Yandex API.
You need to get a key to use translator
You create an instance of the class Translator::Text to be transferred to the method #new key and language of the translation. The default language of translation Russian.
You can use ready-made gem installing them with rubygems
gem install TranslatorAPI
After require you can use gem
require 'translator_api'
translator ="your key","en")
If your key or reduction of language is wrong it will return nil."invalid key","en") # => nil
Method #get_list
Call the method #get_list for determining the list of supported languages and translation directions.
langs, dirs = translator.get_list
langs, dirs = Translator.get_list_language
langs.each { |key, lang| puts "#{key} : #{lang}" } # => af : Африкаанс
# => ar : Арабский
# [list of reduction and language](
dirs.each { |directions| puts directions} # => az-ru
# => be-bg
# => ... list of translation directions
Method #detect
Call the method #detect for the determination of language of a text.
translator.detect "Something text" # => English
Returns the value of a language depends on the reduction in the the transmitted method #new."your key","zh").detect "Something text" # => 英語 ("zh" - Chinese)
If the language is not supported it will return nil.
translator.detect "language is not supported" # => nil
Method #translate
Call the method #translate to translate text. The final language of the translation is determined by the reduction method #new. Text can not contain more than 10,000 characters else it will return nil.
translator.translate "一些文本" # => "Some of the text"
If the language is not supported it will return the original text.
translator.translate "भाषा" # => "भाषा"
You can manually set the translation direction. Language is supported or not is supported and direction is wrong but exist it will return the original text.
translator.translate("text","zh-af") # => "text"
Language is supported or not is supported and direction is not exist it will return nil.
translator.translate("text","direction is not exist") # => nil