All about Japanese pop star "S/mileage".
"S/mileage" is one of highly famous Japanese pop stars. This module, acme-smileage, provides an easy method to catch up with S/mileage.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'acme-smileage'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install acme-smileage
require "acme/smileage"
sm =
## Member infomation
all_members = sm.members
active_members = sm.members {|m| }
graduated_members = sm.members {|m| m.graduated? }
at_some_time_members = sm.members {|m|, 10, 10)) }
member = sm.members {|m| m.name_en =~ /rina/i }.first
p #=> "Rina Katsuta"
p member.name_en #=> "Rina Katsuta"
p member.family_name_en #=> "Katsuta"
p member.first_name_en #=> "Rina"
p member.name_ja #=> "勝田里奈"
p member.family_name_ja #=> "勝田"
p member.first_name_ja #=> "里奈"
p member.birthday #=> #<Date: 1998-04-06 ((2450910j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
p member.blood_type #=> "A"
p member.hometown #=> "東京"
p member.emoticon #=> "リナp´ v`)"
p member.nicknames #=> ["りなぷ~"]
p member.member_color #=> "Yellow"
p member.blog_link #=> ""
p member.twitter_accounts #=> ["@smileage_newmem", "@smileage_715"]
p member.generation #=> 2
p member.join_date #=> #<Date: 2011-08-14 ((2455788j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
p member.graduate_date #=> nil
p member.age #=> 16
p member.age(, 1, 1)) #=> 21
p #=> true
p, 1, 1)) #=> false
p member.graduated? #=> false
p member.graduated?(, 1, 1)) #=> false
entry_list = member.get_blog_entry_list
pp entry_list #=> #<Acme::Smileage::Blog::Entry::List:0x1b7f590
# @entries=
# [#<Acme::Smileage::Blog::Entry::Header:0x1b948a8
# @author="Katsuta",
# @comment_count=51,
# @datetime="2014-04-24 20:03:52",
# @good_count=186,
# @link="",
# @title="海外♪勝田里奈">,
# #<Acme::Smileage::Blog::Entry::Header:0x1bbcd48
# @author="Katsuta",
# @comment_count=51,
# @datetime="2014-04-23 22:50:50",
# @good_count=250,
# @link="",
# @title="Zipper!勝田里奈">,
# #<Acme::Smileage::Blog::Entry::Header:0x208a520
# @author="Katsuta",
# @comment_count=57,
# @datetime="2014-04-21 21:34:17",
# @good_count=233,
# @link="",
# @title=
# "キャンペーン!勝田里奈">],
# @link="",
# @next_page=2>
pp entry_list.entries.first.get_body #=> #<Acme::Smileage::Blog::Entry::Body:0x1dba760
# @comment_link="",
# @comments=
# [#<Acme::Smileage::Blog::Entry::Comment:0x163f4b8
# @author="xxx",
# @author_link="",
# @datetime="2014-04-24 20:07:51",
# @link= "",
# @text= "yyy",
# @title="2. zzz">,
# # 省略
# ],
# @image_links=
# [""],
# @next_entry_link="",
# @prev_entry_link="",
# @text="(省略)">
## Track infomation
all_tracks = sm.tracks
all_cover_tracks = sm.tracks {|e| e.cover? }
all_remix_tracks = sm.tracks {|e| e.remix? }
track = sm.find_track("ヤッタルチャン")
p #=> "ヤッタルチャン"
p track.name_romaji #=> "yattaruchan"
p track.nicknames #=> ["ヤッタル"]
p track.play_time #=> 231
p track.lyricists #=> ["つんく♂"]
p track.composers #=> ["つんく♂"]
p track.arrangers #=> ["大久保薫"]
# ハロプロ楽曲対象ランキング
if track.hpma
p track.hpma.year #=> 2013
p track.hpma.rank #=> 2
p track.hpma.votes #=> 939
p track.hpma.points #=> 2343.5
p track.cover? #=> false
p track.remix? #=> false
p track.get_lyrics #=> "世の中な なんやかんや言うてもな (省略)"
p track.get_lyrics(:utanet) #=> "世の中な なんやかんや言うてもな (省略)"
p track.get_lyrics(:utamap) #=> "世の中な なんやかんや言うてもな (省略)"
p track.lyric_links #=> {
# :utamap => "",
# :utanet => "",
# }
p track.youtube_links #=> [
# {
# :title => "スマイレージ 『ヤッタルチャン』(S/mileage[Yattaruchan]) (MV)",
# :link => "",
# },
# {
# :title => "スマイレージ 『ヤッタルチャン』(S/mileage[Yattaruchan]) (Dance Shot Ver.)",
# :link => "",
# },
# ]
p track.itunes_links #=> [
# {
# :title => "新しい私になれ!/ヤッタルチャン",
# :link => "",
# },
# ]
## Discography infomation
all_single_albums = sm.discography
all_singles = sm.discography {|e| e.single? }
all_indies_singles = sm.discography {|e| e.indies? and e.single? }
all_major_singles = sm.discography {|e| e.major? and e.single? }
all_albums = sm.discography {|e| e.album? }
all_original_albums = sm.discography {|e| e.original_album? }
all_best_albums = sm.discography {|e| e.best_album? }
sm.oricon_total_sales #=> 462702
sm.oricon_total_sales {e| e.album? } #=> 27034
album = sm.find_discography("スマセン")
p #=> "②スマイルセンセーション"
p album.name_romaji #=> "(2) smile sensation"
p album.nicknames #=> ["スマセン"]
p album.release_date #=> #<Date: 2013-05-22 ((2456435j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
p album.release_year #=> 2013
p album.discography_link #=> ""
p album.artwork_links #=> [
# {
# :title => "②スマイルセンセーション 【通常盤】",
# :link => "",
# },
# {
# :title => "②スマイルセンセーション 【初回生産限定盤】",
# :link => "",
# },
# ]
# オリコンセールス
if album.oricon
p album.oricon.first_week_sales #=> 6199
p album.oricon.total_sales #=> 7091
p album.oricon.peak_rank #=> 13
p album.oricon.weeks_on_chart #=> 3
p album.tracks.length #=> 10
p album.single? #=> false
p album.album? #=> true
p album.best_album? #=> false
p album.original_album? #=> true
p album.major? #=> true
p album.indies? #=> false
p album.download_only? #=> false
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