A simple way to manage approval of ActiveRecord models. Using ActAsReleasable you can keep track of changed data by creating a candidate without modifying your current model. When you need, you can just approve the changes and all data will be updated to your model.
.act_as_releasable :collections => [:name_if_any]
on your model.
to apply changes to candidate(without saving).
to get candidate from model.
to apply candidate changes to model.
to check if there is any candidate.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'act_as_releasable'
And then execute (the second step is used to create the gem migrations):
$ bundle
$ rails generate act_as_releasable:install
In order to make your model releasable, your must call the act_as_releasable
method on your model, like this:
class Article
After created, any model who act as releasable is able to generate a candidate.
article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "Whoa! ActAsReleasable is live!", ...>
article.title = "ActAsRelesable just received some care :)"
Every ActiveRecord::Base model will work as usual, unless you specify it to behave like releasable(I mean, no AR method is overrided).
After creating a new candidate, you can load it by doing the following.
article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "Whoa! ActAsReleasable is live!", ...>
# ...
article.release_candidate.title # "ActAsRelesable just received some care :)"
To approve a candidate, you should use the release_version!
article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "Whoa! ActAsReleasable is live!", ...>
# ...
article = Article.find(5) # <Article id: 5, title: "ActAsRelesable just received some care :)", ...>
###The last but not the least:
You can have candidates for collections, by specifying them like this:
class Article
act_as_releasable :collections => [:comments]
And check if the model has any change to be approved.
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git checkout -b my-new-feature
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git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request