ActionMessage is heavily-inspired on ActionMailer. It's a gem for sending SMS/Text messages like we do for sending e-mails on ActionMailer. Pull requests are more than welcome!
Install it using bundler:
# Gemfile
gem 'actionmessage'
If you're using Rails, place this on your environment file or application.rb
require 'action_message/railtie'
config.action_message = {
# sender in international format you can also pass an array and it will
# shuffle and randomly pick one number.
from: "+11231231234",
# adapter information. Right now we only support Twilio.
adapter: {
name: :twilio,
credentials: {
account_sid: 'MY TWILIO ACCOUNT SID'.freeze,
auth_token: 'MY AUTH TOKEN'.freeze
In order to generate your message class, you can either place this code
under app/messages/welcome_message.rb or just use our generators by running
the following command: rails g message Welcome send_welcome_sms
class WelcomeMessage < ActionMessage::Base
def send_welcome_sms(name, phone_number_to_send_message)
@name = name
sms(to: phone_number_to_send_message)
# Inline body example, body parameter has preference compared
# to a text.erb template.
def welcome_with_inline_body(name, phone_number_to_send_message)
@name = name
sms(to: phone_number_to_send_message, body: 'Inline body!')
# While on development environment, you can use debug: true to
# prevent sending SMS and spending funds on your Twilio account.
def welcome_with_debug_mode(name, phone_number_to_send_message)
@name = name
sms(to: phone_number_to_send_message, debug: true)
Define your views under your view path, such as: app/views/welcome_message/send_welcome_sms.text.erb
Welcome, <%= @name %>!
And to send is really simple!
name = 'John Doe'
phone = '+11231231234'
# To send right away:
WelcomeMessage.send_welcome_sms(name, phone).deliver_now
# To send through a background job
WelcomeMessage.send_welcome_sms(name, phone).deliver_later
In order to prevent sending messages to a specific number or containing any specific text on it's body you can use Interceptors:
# You can use strings (exact comparison)
ActionMessage::Interceptor.register(to: 'number I want to prevent sending messages')
# Regular expressions
ActionMessage::Interceptor.register(body: /something innapropriate/i)
# Pass Multiple arguments on the same call
ActionMessage::Interceptor.register(to: '+11231231234', body: /anything/i)