active_record_to_simpledb¶ ↑
Imagine you have an Active Record model like:
class TicketSale < ActiveRecord::Base end
You can just include each of the callbacks depending on your needs:
class TicketSale < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveRecordToSimpledb::Callbacks::Create end
not yet done, but it’ll in the future¶ ↑
class TicketSale < ActiveRecord::Base include ActiveRecordToSimpledb::Callbacks::Update include ActiveRecordToSimpledb::Callbacks::Delete end
AWS Configuration: ¶ ↑
We assume you have a file in /config/aws.yml that looks like:
test: access_key_id: '' secret_access_key: '' production: access_key_id: '' secret_access_key: '' development: access_key_id: '' secret_access_key: ''
Contributing to active_record_to_simpledb¶ ↑
Fork, Test, Pull Request
Copyright¶ ↑
Copyright © 2012 Ivan Acosta-Rubio. See LICENSE.txt for further details.