Add to Gemfile
gem 'refinerycms', '> 3.0'
gem 'activeadmin', '> 1.0.0pre'
gem 'devise'
gem 'activeadmin-refinerycms-authentication' gem 'deface', '~> 1.0.0'
Run ActiveAdmin generator, then the refinery:cms generator.
Add to routes
Make sure refinery is mounted in a subpath, not directly at root.
mount Refinery::Core::Engine, at: Refinery::Core.mounted_path
Configure refinery authentication
rails g activeadmin_refinery_authentication:install MODELNAME
where MODELNAME is the name of the ActiveAdmin user.
Add plugins: []
to permit_params
in the ActiveAdmin user model.
Add the plugins partial to the edit form of the ActiveAdmin user model:
panel t('panels.user_plugins') do
render 'admin/users/plugins_form', f: f