Active JSON Model
A library for creating Active Models that can serialize/deserialize to JSON. This includes full support for validation and change detection through nested models.
Active JSON Model can optionally be combined with Active Record to create nested child models via JSON/JSONB columns.
- Quick start
- Gem on RubyGems
- Support
- License
- Code of conduct
- Contribution guide
Quick start
Install the gem:
$ gem install activejsonmodel
If not using in an auto-loading context (i.e. Rails), import it:
require "active_json_model"
define a model:
class Point
include ActiveJsonModel::Model
json_attribute :x, Integer
json_attribute :y, Integer
create an instance of a model:
origin = 0, y:0)
# => #<Point:0x00007f9f0d0e6538 @mutations_before_last_save=nil, @mutations_from_database=nil, @x=0, @x_is_default=false, @y=0, @y_is_default=false>
export it to a JSON-like hash:
data = origin.dump_to_json
# => {:x=>0, :y=>0}
encode it as JSON:
# => "{\"x\":0,\"y\":0}"
load data from a hash object:
point2 = Point.load({x: 17, y:42})
# => #<Point:0x00007f9f0d10d5c0 @_active_json_model_loaded=true, @mutations_before_last_save=nil, @mutations_from_database=nil, @x=17, @x_is_default=false, @y=42, @y_is_default=false>
load from a raw JSON string:
point3 = Point.load("{\"x\":12,\"y\":19}")
# => #<Point:0x00007fe9c0113c88 @_active_json_model_loaded=true, @mutations_before_last_save=nil, @mutations_from_database=nil, @x=12, @x_is_default=false, @y=19, @y_is_default=false>
nest models:
class Rectangle
include ActiveJsonModel::Model
json_attribute :top_left, Point
json_attribute :bottom_right, Point
def contains(point)
point.x >= top_left.x &&
point.x <= bottom_right.x &&
point.y <= top_left.y &&
point.y >= bottom_right.y
If you are using Active Record, use the model as an attribute:
# db/migrate/20220101000001_create_image_annotations.rb
class CreateImageAnnotations < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
create_table :image_annotations do |t|
t.jsonb :region_of_interest, null: false, default: {}
t.string :note, null: false, default: ''
# app/models/image_annotation.rb
class ImageAnnotation < ActiveRecord::Base
attribute :region_of_interest, Rectangle.attribute_type
# use...
rect =
top_left: 10, y: 100),
bottom_right: 110, y: 0)
ia = rect, note: "Check out this mistake")
If you want to report a bug, or have ideas, feedback or questions about the gem, let me know via GitHub issues and I will do my best to provide a helpful answer. Happy hacking!
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Code of conduct
Everyone interacting in this project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.
Contribution guide
Pull requests are welcome!
Development Setup
brew install rbenv
Add the following to ~/.zshrc
RBENV=`which rbenv`
if [ $RBENV ] ; then
export PATH=$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
Reload the ~/.zshrc
Install development ruby version:
cat .ruby-version | xargs rbenv install
Exit and re-enter the directory to make sure the current version of ruby is used. Install dependencies:
bundle install
Running Tests
Active JSON Model uses minitest. To run tests, use rake:
rake test
Building Gem Locally
Build the gem to pkg/activejsonmodel-x.x.x.gem
rake build
Install the gem locally and import it:
$ gem install ./pkg/activejsonmodel-x.x.x.gem
Successfully installed activejsonmodel-x.x.x
Parsing documentation for activejsonmodel-x.x.x
Installing ri documentation for activejsonmodel-x.x.x
Done installing documentation for activejsonmodel after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'active_json_model'
=> true
Releasing a new version
- Update
module ActiveJsonModel
VERSION = "x.x.x".freeze
- Commit all changes
- Release the changes using rake:
$ rake release
active_json_model x.x.x built to pkg/active_json_model-x.x.x.gem.
Tagged vx.x.x.
Pushed git commits and release tag.
Pushing gem to
Successfully registered gem: active_json_model (x.x.x)
Pushed active_json_model x.x.x to
Don't forget to publish the release on GitHub!
Note that this pushes changes to github and creates a draft release on github.