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Command line interface for Admin Module


~> 1.3
~> 1.3.9
>= 0
~> 0.10
>= 0
~> 3.2.0


 Project Readme


AdminModule is a tool to allow maintenance and configuration of AMS environments through the command line or Rake tasks.

Because it is scriptable, it can be used to create efficient and repeatable migrations resulting in low risk deployments.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'admin_module'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install admin_module


Command Line Help

Thor's usage help is messed up related to subcommands (ie. subcommand help is sometimes listed without the subcommand's parent). For this reason, the 'help' is listed here.

$ admin_module help

  admin_module help [COMMAND]     # Describe available commands or one specific command
  admin_module config [COMMAND]   # modify configuration values
  admin_module gdl [COMMAND]      # run a guideline command
  admin_module lock [COMMAND]     # run a lock command
  admin_module rule [COMMAND]     # run a rule command
  admin_module ruleset [COMMAND]  # run a ruleset command
  admin_module stage [COMMAND]    # run a stage command

Config Commands

$ admin_module config help

  admin_module config help [COMMAND]          # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module config defcomment '<comment>'  # show or set the default comment
  admin_module config defenv <envname>        # show or set the default environment
  admin_module config amsversion <version>    # show or set the AMS admin module version
  admin_module config init <filedir>          # create a configuration file
  admin_module config timeout <seconds>       # show or set the browser timeout period
  admin_module config show [CATEGORY]         # display configuration values for [CATEGORY]
  admin_module config add [CATEGORY]          # add a configuration value
  admin_module config del [CATEGORY]          # delete a configuration value for [CATEGORY]
Config Show Commands
$ admin_module config show help

  admin_module config show help [COMMAND]         # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module config show credentials <envname>  # display configured credentials for an environment
  admin_module config show envs                   # display configured environments
  admin_module config show xmlmaps                # display configured xmlmaps
Config Add Commands
$ admin_module config add help

  admin_module config add help [COMMAND]                           # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module config add credentials <envname> <username> <pass>  # add login credentials for an environment
  admin_module config add env <envname> <url>                      # add a environment url
  admin_module config add xmlmap <xmlfile> <gdlname>               # map an xml file name to a guideline
Config Del Commands
$ admin_module config del help

  admin_module config del help [COMMAND]         # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module config del credentials <envname>  # delete credentials for an environment
  admin_module config del env <envname>          # delete an environment configuration
  admin_module config del xmlmap <xmlfile>       # delete an xml file to guideline mapping

Gdl Commands

$ admin_module gdl help

  admin_module gdl help [COMMAND]              # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module gdl deploy <srcdir> <comments>  # Deploy all XML files in <srcdir> with version <comments>
  admin_module gdl version <comments>          # Version guidelines with <comments>

  e, [--environment=dev]

Lock Commands

$ admin_module lock help

  admin_module lock help [COMMAND]               # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module lock export <filepath>            # Export a lock configuration file from the environment
  admin_module lock import <filepath>            # Import a lock configuration file into the environment
  admin_module lock list                         # List all locks in the environment
  admin_module lock read <name>                  # Emit a lock's configuration from the environment in YAML format
  admin_module lock rename <srcname> <destname>  # Rename a lock named <srcname> to <destname>

  e, [--environment=dev]

Rule Commands

$ admin_module rule help

  admin_module rule help [COMMAND]               # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module rule delete <rulename>            # Delete a rule named <rulename>
  admin_module rule list                         # List all rules in the environment
  admin_module rule rename <srcname> <destname>  # Rename a rule named <srcname> to <destname>

  e, [--environment=dev]

Ruleset Commands

$ admin_module ruleset help

  admin_module ruleset help [COMMAND]               # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module ruleset list                         # List all rulesets in the environment
  admin_module ruleset rename <srcname> <destname>  # Rename a ruleset named <srcname> to <destname>

  e, [--environment=dev]

Stage Commands

$ admin_module stage help

  admin_module stage help [COMMAND]               # Describe subcommands or one specific subcommand
  admin_module stage delete <name>                # Delete a stage from the environment
  admin_module stage export <filepath>            # Export a stage configuration file from the environment
  admin_module stage import <filepath>            # Import a stage configuration file into the environment
  admin_module stage list                         # List all stages in the environment
  admin_module stage read <name>                  # Emit a stage's configuration from the environment in YAML format
  admin_module stage rename <srcname> <destname>  # Rename a stage from <srcname> to <destname>

  e, [--environment=dev]


AdminModule provides tasks you can use in your rake file.

Stage Tasks

Add require 'admin_module/rake/stage_tasks' to your rake file and admin_module will add a set of stage tasks for each configured environment. All tasks are prefixed with am:ENV_NAME:.

Task options are displayed within brackets like so: am:dev:stage:read[name]. If the option contains spaces, surround the option, or the entire task name with single or double quotes:

rake am:dev:stage:read['Some Stage Name']

# or

rake 'am:dev:stage:read[Some Stage Name]'

Tasks include:

  • stage:delete deletes a stage
  • stage:export exports all stages to a yaml file
  • stage:import imports stage configs from a yaml file
    • the allow_create flag is optional. Default: false. If true, stages can be created during import.
  • stage:list list all stage names
  • stage:read output a stage configuration in yaml format
  • stage:rename rename an existing stage


You can use the Client for scripting.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/jmcaffee/admin_module/fork )
  2. Clone it (git clone git@github.com:[my-github-username]/admin_module.git)
  3. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  4. Create tests for your feature branch
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create a new Pull Request


  • complete conversion to thor
  • PPM configuration specs
  • clean up (remove) old cli files
  • document new commands in README
    • PPMs
    • Tasks
    • Snapshots

Process Flow (CLI)

  • Command entered in console
  • lib/admin_module/cli.rb processes args
  • cli.rb hands command off to lib/admin_module/cli/gdl.rb
  • gdl.rb validates command and hands off to lib/admin_module/guideline.rb
  • guideline.rb processes command and uses lib/admin_module/page_factory.rb to get instance of web page objects needed to fulfill command request
  • guideline.rb completes command

Process Flow (Rake Task)

  • Rake imports/requires lib/admin_module/rake/deploy_task.rb
  • Rake task requires API object lib/admin_module/guideline.rb
  • API object processes task request, gets needed page objects from page_factory.rb
  • API object completes task request, returns control to task

Thor Conversion Process

Detailing the conversion steps taken while converting to Thor CLI interface.

  1. Create CLI spec for new interface (spec/lib/admin_module/cli/gdl_spec.rb)
  2. Create new CLI object (lib/admin_module/cli/gdl.rb)
  3. Create API spec for API object (spec/lib/admin_module/guideline_spec.rb)
  4. Create new/modify existing API object (lib/admin_module/guideline.rb)
  5. Make tests/specs pass
  6. Delete old CLI object (lib/admin_module/cli/cli_guideline.rb)

Create CLI Spec

Create a new spec file spec/lib/admin_module/cli/gdl_spec.rb.

Create a new CLI object lib/admin_module/cli/gdl.rb.

Edit lib/admin_module/cli.rb creating new base command pointing to new object (AdminModule::Gdl in this case).

Create lib/admin_module/guideline.rb which is an object that provides an API interface to the actual Guideline page object.

  • The Guideline page object only contains functionality that the actual webpage contains, ie. Add, Modify, Delete
  • The Guideline API object contains functionality that manipulates the webpage object to provide results. Maybe this means it uses the page object to lookup the available guidelines, throw an error if a guidline doesn't exist, or deletes a guideline if exists.
  • The API object also hides the fact that the app needs to go to a Guidelines page, select a guideline, then go to the GuidelineDetails page before it can manipulate a guideline, say, to change its name.


The specs are tested with the latest version of Chromium (44.0.2403.89) and chromedriver] (2.19) at this time.


AdminModule is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for details.