amazon-awis¶ ↑
Ruby Amazon Alexa web service REST API using Hpricot with configurable default options and method call options. Uses Response and Element wrapper classes for easy access to REST XML output.
Version: 0.1.0
$ gem install amazon-awis
require 'amazon/awis'
# set the default options; options will be camelized and converted to REST request parameters. Amazon::Awis.options = {:aws_access_key_id => [your access key]} # to generate signed requests include your secret key: Amazon::Awis.options = {:aws_access_key_id => [your developer token], :aws_secret_key => [your secret access key]} # alternatively, Amazon::Awis.configure do |options| options[:aws_access_key_id] = [your access key] options[:aws_secret_key] = [you secret key] options[:responsegroup] = 'Rank' end #Call get_info method to get website info res = Amazon::Awis.get_info('') # some common response object methods res.is_success? # return true if request was successful #dynamic methods res.rank # return the rank of domain name that was passed res.dataurl # returns the url which was queried
Refer to Amazon AWIS documentation for more information on Amazon REST request parameters and XML output:
(The MIT License)
Copyright © 2009 Hasham Malik