amazon-ses ¶ ↑
A gem for interfacing with Amazon’s Simple Email Service
Features:¶ ↑
Currently you can:
Send a basic raw text email.
Send email with a .erb template
Prerequisite¶ ↑
First, make sure you validate the email that you are going to use in the “from” section of the email.
How does it work:¶ ↑
Build email:
* Raw email without a .erb template: You can achieve this by NOT specifying a :template in your options: options = { :from => '', :to => '', :subject => 'Testing', :body => 'THis is a test', :aws_access_key => 'your acess key', :aws_secret_key => 'your secret key' } e = * Email that will use a .erb template: You can achieve this by specifying the location of you .erb file in the :template option: options_2 = { :from => '', :to => '', :subject => 'This is the subject of the email', :aws_access_key => "access_key_id", :aws_secret_key => "secret_access_key", :template =>"sample_email.erb").read } e = * Email multiple people You can achieve this by sending a Array in the :to field of the options options_3 = { :from => '', :to => ['', '', ''], :subject => 'This is the subject of the email', :aws_access_key => "access_key_id", :aws_secret_key => "secret_access_key", :template =>"sample_email.erb").read } e =
Send it
Install:¶ ↑
* sudo gem install amazon-ses