== AMEE-Ruby A gem to provide a Ruby interface to AMEEconnect (http://www.amee.com) Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license (See LICENSE.txt for details) Author: James Smith, James Hetherington, Andrew Hill, Andrew Berkeley Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008-2013 AMEE UK Ltd Homepage: http://github.com/AMEE/amee-ruby Documentation: http://rubydoc.info/gems/amee/frames == INSTALLATION 1) Install gem > sudo gem install amee == REQUIREMENTS If you are using Rails, note that version 4.x of this gem supports Rails 3 apps only. If you are using Rails 2, you should stay with version 3.x. See the 'Rails' section below for more details. 'Nokogiri' is used for XML parsing, and requires libxml2. See http://nokogiri.org/tutorials/installing_nokogiri.html for instructions if you have problems installing. == USAGE Currently, you can read DataCategories, DataItems and DataItemValues. See examples/view_data_*.rb for simple usage examples. You can also get the list of available Profiles, and create and delete them. See examples/list_profiles.rb and examples/create_profile.rb for details. You can also load ProfileCategories, and load, create and update ProfileItems. The gem will use the AMEE JSON API if the JSON gem is installed on the local system. Otherwise the XML API will be used. == SUPPORT Create Read Update Delete DataCategories N Y N N DataItems N Y N N DataItemValues N Y N Y Profile List - Y - - Profiles Y - - Y ProfileCategories - Y - - - drilldown - Y - - ProfileItems Y Y Y Y == INTERACTIVE SHELL You can use the 'ameesh' app to interactively explore the AMEE data area. Run 'ameesh -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -s SERVER' to try it out. Source code for this tool is in bin/ameesh and lib/amee/shell.rb. Profiles are not accessible through this interface yet. == RAILS This gem can also be used as a Rails plugin. Rails 2: add the following to environment.rb: config.gem "amee", :version => '~> 3.1' Rails 3: add the following to your Gemfile: gem "amee", '~> 4.1' If you copy amee.example.yml from the gem source directory to amee.yml in your app's config directory, a persistent AMEE connection will be available from AMEE::Rails#connection, which you can use anywhere. In your controllers, you can also use the global_amee_connection function to access the same global connection. data = AMEE::Data::Category.root(global_amee_connection) If you do not use this facility, you will have to create your own connection objects and manage them yourself, which you can do using AMEE::Connection#new Instead of using an amee.yml file, you can set ENV['AMEE_USERNAME'], ENV['AMEE_PASSWORD'] and ENV['AMEE_SERVER'] to achieve the same effect. This is useful for deploying to environments like Heroku, for instance. There is a helper for ActiveRecord models which should be linked to an AMEE profile. By adding: has_amee_profile to your model, and by adding an amee_profile:string field to the model in the database, an AMEE profile will be automatically created and destroyed with your model. By overriding the function amee_save in your model, you can store data in AMEE when your model is saved. == CACHING The AMEE::Connection object implements an optional cache for GET requests. This uses ActiveSupport::Cache, and supports any ActiveSupport::Cache::Store caching method except for MemCacheStore (which doesn't provide required features). All GET requests are cached. POST, PUT, or DELETEs will clear the cache for any path that matches the affected URL. #expire, #expire_matching, and #expire_all functions are available for manual cache management. Also, all AMEE objects have and #expire-cache function to clear them and their descendants from the cache. To enable caching, pass ':cache => :memory_store' to AMEE::Connection.new, or add 'cache: memory_store' to your amee.yml if using Rails. If you want to use the same caching configuration as your Rails app, you can add 'cache: rails' to amee.yml instead. Caching is disabled by default. == RETRY / TIMEOUT SUPPORT The AMEE::Connection object can now automatically retry if a request fails due to network problems or connection failures. To enable this feature, pass ':retries => 3' to AMEE::Connection.new, or add 'retries: 3' to your amee.yml if using Rails. You can change the number of retry attempts, 3 is just used as an example above. The Connection object also allows a timeout to be set for requests. By default this is set to 60 seconds, but if you want to provide a different value (30 seconds for instance), pass ':timeout => 30' to AMEE::Connection.new, or 'timeout: 30' in amee.yml.
Ruby interface to the AMEE carbon calculator
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