Analytics Rails
Adds a helper to create the google analytics script in rails.
I did this gem to:
- Have a simple but versatile way to include google analytics.
Put this line in your Gemfile:
gem 'analytics-rails'
Then bundle:
$ bundle
Include tag must be added before any other tag in order to work and only will be shown in production.
In your layout add a line like this in your head:
<%= google_analytics_include_tag 'UA-000000-01' %>
You can add metrics if you want:
<%= google_analytics_include_tag 'UA-000000-01', category: 'products' %>
To send events add a line like this with the category and action:
<%= google_analytics_event_tag 'Video', 'play' %>
You can add label, value and other options too if you want:
<%= google_analytics_event_tag 'Video', 'play', 'demo.mp4', 42, category: 'product' %>
Any issue, pull request, comment of any kind is more than welcome!
I will mainly ensure compatibility to Rails, AWS, PostgreSQL, Redis, Elasticsearch and FreeBSD.
This gem is maintained and funded by mmontossi.
It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.