A gem that includes angular-file-upload as an asset in the Rails Asset Pipeline (requires Rails 3.1 or higher).
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'angular-file-upload-rails', '~>'
# The gem's version mirrors the included version of angular-file-upload,
# with an extra .1 for updates independent of the wrapped library's version.
and run:
$ bundle install
Lastly, be sure to include it in your JavaScript manifest (e.g. application.js
//= require angular-file-upload
* be sure that angular is required before angular-file-upload
Important: According to the angular-file-upload readme, if you wish to use the shim to support upload progress / abort for HTML5 and non-HTML5 FormData browsers, the shim javascript file must be included before angular.js, while the regular angular-file-upload being required after angular. For example in application.js
//= require angular-file-upload/angular-file-upload-shim
//= require angular
//= require angular-file-upload