This is my own re-write of an earlier version ctran/annoate_models when work on it waned. This work started out as a Rails plugin; I am now re-bundling it as a gem since plugin support for Rails has long been deprecated.
If you are using Bundler, add this line to your Gemfile:
gem "annotate_models"
Otherwise, run this command:
gem install annotate_models"
Run this command from the root folder of your Rails application:
rake annotate
For details, run rake -T
I first learned to love the functionality of Dave Thomas' annotate_models plugin (you can find a repo for it here). Later, when it became un-maintained and broke, I switched over to ctran/annoate. Then, when work on it waned and broke as well, I decided to write my own as an exercise.
So thanks go out to Pragmatic Dave as well as to the author and contributors of ctran/annotate_models.
Feel free to fork or clone this repository.
To build the gem, execute these commands:
gem build annotate_models.gemspec
mv annotate_models-*.gem pkg/
To publish the gem, execute this command:
gem push pkg/annotate_models-<version>.gem