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Ruby gem for Anywayanyday API Redirect.


~> 1.7
~> 10.0


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AnywayanydayApi (Redirect)

Ruby gem for Anywayanyday XML-API ( Redirect.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'anywayanyday_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install anywayanyday_api


Create an initializer in config/initializers:

# config/initializers/anywayanyday_api.rb
Anywayanyday.configure do |config| = ""
  config.code = "testapic"
  config.currency = 'RUB'
  config.locale = 'RU'


  • host - Address anywayanyday system, for test ""
  • code - Your client id in anywayanyday system, for test "testapic"
  • currency - Display Language Answer: RU, EN.
  • locale - Value of the currency code view: RUB, USD, EUR, CHF, UAH.

And now in your controller you can do something like this:

@api = Anywayanyday.api

Initialization request

To define a search query, you must transfer the parameters of the route, the number of passengers and class of service.

@api.fare_new_request(route: '2610DYRLON2811LONDYR', ad: 1, cn: 0, inf: 0,  sc: 'E')


  • route - Route containing points of departure, arrival, departure date and month. The route may comprise several sections, each of which is a set of ten consecutive symbols: two characters day of departure with a leading zero; two characters month departure with leading zero; IATA code of the city or airport of departure; IATA code of the city or airport of departure; three characters - IATA code for the city or the airport of arrival.
  • ad - The number of adult passengers. A number from 1 to 6. The default value is 1.
  • cn - The number of children aged 2 to 12 years. A number from 0 to 4. The default value is 0.
  • in - The number of children aged from 2 weeks to 2 years. A number from 0 to 2. The default value is 0.
  • sc - Class service. Accepted values: E (Economy), B (business / first). Default value: E.


  • The maximum number of route segments - 4.
  • The total number of passengers must not exceed 8.

Details of the request

Getting parts search.

data = @api.fare_request_info
puts [,,,].join(', ')
data.directions.each do |direction|
  puts [direction.route, direction.dc, direction.dp,, direction.ap, direction.dd].join(', ')

Sample answer:

#<OpenStruct ad="1", cn="0", in="0", sc="E", directions=[#<OpenStruct route="DYRMOW", dc="Россия", dp="Анадырь", ac="Россия", ap="Москва", dd=Mon, 26 Oct 2015>, #<OpenStruct route="MOWDYR", dc="Россия", dp="Москва", ac="Россия", ap="Анадырь", dd=Sun, 29 Nov 2015>]>

Status of the search

Obtaining the status of the search query. The recommended interval request - every 2 seconds. Returns the exit status of the search terms the percentage (0 to 100).

loop do
  break if @api.fare_request_state == 100
  sleep 2

Search results

Preparation of the search result. Rates are grouped by the airlines.

@api.fares(s:, vb:, bc1:, dt1:, at1:, da1:, aa1:, ps:, pn:, ct:, pt:)

Required parameters:

  • s - Sorting: Price - the price (default); Time - the time in a way.
  • vb - Method of displaying information on the rate of: false - a short (default) true - detailed

Not required parameters:

  • bc1 - Filter on the number of direct.
  • dt1 - Filter by time of departure: N - night; M - morning; D - day; E - evening.
  • at1 - Filter by time of arrival: N - night; M - morning; D - day; E - evening.
  • da1 - Filter on the departure airport, IATA airport code.
  • aa1 - Filter of the arrival airport, IATA airport code.
  • ps - The size of the search results page (for the method List; recommended to refine the search query one request; pager, can be disabled in the future).
  • pn - Number of the search results page (for the method List; recommended to refine the search query one request; pager, can be disabled in the future).
  • ct - Filter the type of flight: All - all options (default) Direct - only direct flights
  • pt - Type Price: All - the price for all passengers (default value); Adult - the price per adult; Filter options necessarily contain indeks.Indeks determines which section of the route filter is applied.

Sample answer:

#<OpenStruct c="RUB", l="RU", r="66p5ck6aj73153", pt=nil, ct="All", airlines=[#<OpenStruct c="UN", n="Transaero Airlines", fares=[#<OpenStruct id="0", at="57101", avl="true", res="true", mm="false", mmc="", cs="0", sts="unknown", dirs=[#<OpenStruct dep_apt="DYR", arr_apt="DME", sep_tm="D", arr_tm="D", hr="8", min="25", brd_cng="0", flt_num="UN-112">, #<OpenStruct dep_apt="DME", arr_apt="DYR", sep_tm="E", arr_tm="D", hr="8", min="20", brd_cng="0", flt_num="UN-111">]>, #<OpenStruct id="4", at="62645", avl="true", res="true", mm="false", mmc="", cs="0", sts="2", dirs=[#<OpenStruct dep_apt="DYR", arr_apt="DME", sep_tm="D", arr_tm="D", hr="8", min="25", brd_cng="0", flt_num="UN-112">, #<OpenStruct dep_apt="DME", arr_apt="DYR", sep_tm="E", arr_tm="D", hr="8", min="20", brd_cng="0", flt_num="UN-111">]>]>]>

Details of the flight options

Get detailed information on the selected tariff.



  • f - Key tariff.

Sample answer:

#<OpenStruct currency="RUB", available="True", r="b77y705842G3df", f="4", v="", can_make_reservation="true", mm="false", mmc="", cs="0", total_amount="62645", need_middle_name="false", min_avail_seats="2", adults="1", children="0", infants="0", airline_code="UN", airline_name="Transaero Airlines", reservation_time_limit=2015-09-29 19:59:00 +1200, a_base="50270", a_taxes="11720", a_total="61990", c_base="0", c_taxes="0", c_total="0", i_base="0", i_taxes="0", i_total="0", dirs=[#<OpenStruct variants=[#<OpenStruct id="0", tt="08:25", legs=[#<OpenStruct sc="E", bc="V", fn="UN-112", ft="08:25", plane_code="763", plane_name="Boeing 767", carrier_code=nil, carrier_name=nil, departure_code="DYR", departure_contry="Россия", departure_city="Анадырь", departure_airport="Анадырь", departure_terminal=nil, departure_date="2015-10-26", departure_time="15:25", departure_day_of_week="Monday", arrival_code="DME", arrival_contry="Россия", arrival_city="Москва", arrival_airport="Домодедово", arrival_terminal=nil, arrival_date="2015-10-26", arrival_time="14:50", arrival_day_of_week="Monday">]>]>, #<OpenStruct variants=[#<OpenStruct id="1", tt="08:20", legs=[#<OpenStruct sc="E", bc="V", fn="UN-111", ft="08:20", plane_code="763", plane_name="Boeing 767", carrier_code=nil, carrier_name=nil, departure_code="DME", departure_contry="Россия", departure_city="Москва", departure_airport="Домодедово", departure_terminal=nil, departure_date="2015-11-29", departure_time="19:05", departure_day_of_week="Sunday", arrival_code="DYR", arrival_contry="Россия", arrival_city="Анадырь", arrival_airport="Анадырь", arrival_terminal=nil, arrival_date="2015-11-30", arrival_time="12:25", arrival_day_of_week="Monday">]>]>]>

Fare rules

Get the right fare. Possibility and conditions of the return and exchange.



  • f - Key tariff.

Sample answer:

#<OpenStruct directions=[#<OpenStruct cbd="true", cad="true", rbd="false", rad="false", dep_ctry="Россия", dep_city="Анадырь", dep_apt="Анадырь", arr_ctry="MOW", arr_city="MOW", arr_apt="MOW", rules="RULES TEXT...">, #<OpenStruct cbd="true", cad="true", rbd="false", rad="false", dep_ctry="MOW", dep_city="MOW", dep_apt="MOW", arr_ctry="Россия", arr_city="Анадырь", arr_apt="Анадырь", rules="RULES TEXT...">]

Check availability of flight options

Check availability on selected flights.

@api.confirm_fare(f:, v:)


  • f - Key tariff.
  • v - Selected options, if there are several options, the version numbers must be separated by a ";".

Sample answer:

#<OpenStruct r="SYM465FV4Dd53f", f="0", confirmed="True", min_avail_seats="1">

Getting a link to create order

Returns the URL to which you want to redirect the buyer if the contract involves design affiliate purchases online anywayanyday.

@api.get_create_order_url(f:, v:)


  • f - Key tariff.
  • v - Selections; in the case of several options, the version numbers must be separated by a ";".

Sample answer:;1&FareConfirmed=False&Language=RU&Currency=RUB


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request