Apache Server Status - Ass
A simple ruby gem that provides a pretty web interface to track apache server status in real time.
You need to have mod_status installed in your server. Example of how to install: CentOs specific example. After installing make sure yoursevername.com/server-status is functioning.
This is a Ruby gem so you need to have Ruby installed. And also make sure you have Nokogiri installed.
NOTE: Chrome is the only supported browser.
Install it as:
$ gem install apache_server_status
Run the following command on your terminal:
$ ass
You should see the following message:
$ Puma starting in single mode...
* Version 3.8.2 (ruby 2.3.3-p222), codename: Sassy Salamander
* Min threads: 0, max threads: 16
* Environment: development
* Listening on tcp://localhost:4567
Use Ctrl-C to stop
Now navigate to 'localhost:4567' and you will see a web interface with a form to add domain. Provide full domain without 'http' or 'https', just 'yourDomaninName.com'. You can provide as many you want. And navigate through the servers to track status.