The api_responser gem is designed to streamline the process of handling API responses in your Rails application. It provides a simple and consistent way to render success and error messages, ensuring your API responses are always well-structured and easy to manage.
Key Features
- Standardized Responses: Simplify the way you handle API responses by using a set of predefined methods for success and error messages.
- Localization Support: Leverage the power of I18n to dynamically translate response messages, making your API more versatile and user-friendly for a global audience.
- Ease of Use: With intuitive method names and straightforward implementation, integrating api_responser into your Rails application is quick and hassle-free.
- Maintenance: Reduce the effort required to maintain consistent response structures across your application, making your codebase cleaner and more maintainable.
A gem to standardize API responses in Rails applications.
All methods return JSON and status.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'api_responser'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install api_responser
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include ApiResponser
Success Response list
List of Items
The records argument is required and should be an Array. The records_count argument is an Integer and is optional.
If records_count is not provided, the count will be calculated from the size of the records array
def record_index(records, records_count = nil)
Show Item
The records argument should be a Hash. It should contain only one model
def record_show(records)
Item Create / Item Update / Item Delete
No arguments are required
def record_created
def record_updated
def record_deleted
Error Response list
Page Not Found / Record Not Found / Method Not Allowed / Not Acceptable / Conflict / Gone / Unsupported Media Type / Too Many Requests / Not Implemented / Service Unavailable
No arguments are required
def page_not_found
def record_not_found
def method_not_allowed
def not_acceptable
def conflict
def gone
def unsupported_media_type
def too_many_requests
def not_implemented
def service_unavailable
Record Not Created / Record Not Updated / Record Not Deleted
The message argument is required, while the debug_message argument is optional.
The report argument is optional and is useful if you would like to handle debug_message.
The message argument is used to output a message in the JSON response, whereas debug_message is useful for providing the real reason for the error (if report is true).
def record_not_created(message, debug_message = "", report:false)
def record_not_updated(message, debug_message = "", report:false)
def record_not_deleted(message, debug_message = "", report:false)
Bad request / Unauthorized / Forbidden / Internal Server Error
The debug_message argument is optional.
The report argument is optional and is useful if you would like to handle debug_message.
The debug_message is useful for providing the real reason for the error (if report is true).
The message argument is optional and is useful if you would like to provide your custom message. For example "Incorrect login or password"
def bad_request(debug_message = "", report:false)
def unauthorized(debug_message = "", message:nil, report:false)
def forbidden(debug_message = "", report:false)
def internal_server_error(debug_message = "", report:false)
Customizing Response Templates
You can modify the success and error response templates. Templates should be located in app/views/api_responser/
The default templates are:
"status": "success",
"code": <%= @code %>,
"message": "<%= @message %>",
"records": <%= @records.to_json %>,
"records_count": <%= @records_count %>
"status": "error",
"code": <%= @code %>,
"message": "<%= @message %>"
Customizing Error Handling
The gem provides a default error handler in ApiResponserHelper:
module ApiResponserHelper
def self.error_handling(code: nil, debug_message: nil, message: nil)
Logger.new(STDOUT).fatal("Error with code #{code}. Debug message: #{debug_message}. Message: #{message}")
You can customize this method to handle errors in a way that suits your application's requirements. For example, you might want to log errors to a file or send notifications to an external service. Helper should be located in app/helpers/app_responser_helper.rb
ApiResponser uses I18n for localization.
Default localization located in config/locale/en.yml
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
#include ApiResponser in ApplicationController
include ApiResponser
class SomeController < ApplicationController
before_action do
before_action :find, only: [:show, :update, :destroy]
def index
itemList = @modelName.all
render record_index(itemList)
# could be using with counter for pagination
itemList = @modelName.where(:name => "value")
render record_index(itemList.limit(5), itemList.count)
def show
render record_show(@obj)
def create
item = @modelName.new(model_params)
if item.save
render record_created
render record_not_created(item.errors, report:true)
def update
if @obj.update(model_params)
render record_updated
render record_not_updated(@obj.errors, report:true)
def destroy
if @obj.destroy
render record_deleted
render record_not_deleted(@obj.errors, report:true)
def find
@obj = @modelName.find_by(:id => params[:id])
unless @obj
render record_not_found
def model_params
def set_model_variable modelName
@modelName = modelName.constantize
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.