This is a library to faciliate Ruby applications wishing to talk to generic Apia APIs.
Getting started
gem 'apia-client', '~> 2.0'
# Create a client instance pointing to the API that you wish to connect to.
# By default, it will assume you wish to use SSL and connect on port 443.
api ='')
# Load in the schema from the API if the API supports this
# Create a request object for the endpoint that you wish to query. You can
# do this by finding it from the API.
request = api.create_request(:post, 'products')
# Set any arguments that you wish to include with the request
request.arguments[:name] = 'My example product'
# Execute the request and get a response back. If there is an issue,
# an exception will be raised here.
response = request.perform
response.hash # => The result
response.status # => 200
response.headers # => {... headers ...}
response.request # => The request object
rescue ApiaClient::RequestError => error
error.status # => 404
error.code # => 'invalid_route'
error.description # => 'Description of the error'
error.detail # => {... additional details ...}
rescue ApiaClient::CommunicationError => error
error.message # => Text describing the communication error
If you prefer to make a quick API call, you can do so more quickly...
api = ApiaClient.load('')
api.perform(:get, 'products')