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Code project template renderer



 Project Readme

App Archetype


Code project template renderer


This is best run as a CLI tool installed into your system:

gem install app_archetype

For inclusion in another script or application, add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'app_archetype'

Getting Started

Setting up your environment for CLI use

If installed as a system gem, you'll need to create a template directory and set it in your environment:

mkdir $HOME/Code/templates

# zshrc
echo '# App Archetype:' >> $HOME/.zshrc
echo 'export ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR="$HOME/Code/templates"' >> $HOME/.zshrc

# bash
echo '# App Archetype:' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR="$HOME/Code/templates"' >> $HOME/.bashrc

Finally you'll need to set a editor environment variable for viewing files from app archetype:

# zshrc
echo 'export ARCHETYPE_EDITOR="vi"' >> $HOME/.zshrc # sets vim as default editor

# bash
echo 'export ARCHETYPE_EDITOR="vi"' >> $HOME/.bashrc # sets vim as default editor

Use in another project/script (standalone)

An alternative method of usage is to create standalone ruby scripts for standalone exection (outside of the ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR). As an example, the following describes a code component renderer, where a command class for a simple CLI application can be rendered automatically.

For this example you may wish to introduce a scripts folder to a project:

mkdir path/to/my_project/scripts

And under that make an archetypes template directory:

 - 📁 path/to/my_project/scripts
 | - 📁 generators/
 | - | - 📁 command/
 | - | - | - 📁 template/
 | - | - | - | - 📁 lib/
 | - | - | - | - | 📁 app_archetype/
 | - | - | - | - | - | 📁 commands/
 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 📄 {{command_name.snake_case}}.rb.hbs
 | - | - | - 📄 manifest.json
 | - | 📄 create_new_command

A standalone generator can be written using the standalone render method exposed in the AppArchetype namespace. The following would be the content of the create_new_command script.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'app_archetype'


manifest = AppArchetype.render_template(
  collection_dir: File.join(__dir__, 'generators'),
  template_name: 'command',
  destination_path: File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, '..'))

puts <<~NEXT_STEPS
  ✔ Command created


manifest.next_steps.each do |step|
  puts step


Creating a template

Templates are a collection of files in the template folder with a manifest. The structure is thus:

 | - 📁 my_template
 | - | - 📁 template/
 | - | - | - 📄 file.erb
 | - | - | - 📄 file2.txt
 | - | - 📄 manifest.json

To create a blank template like the one above in the ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR run:

archetype new

Template Manifests

Template manifests describe what should be done with a template at render time. For more detailed documentation on the AppArchetype manifest schema see https://docs.biggerconcept.com/app_archetype/templates/manifest/ for more detail, however as a brief overview, a manifest has a name, version and set of variables. A sample manifest looks like this:

  "name": "my_template",
  "version": "0.1.1",
  "metadata": {
    "app_archetype": {
      "version": "0.1.2"
  "variables": {
    "foo": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "bar"
  "next_steps": [
    "Restart your machine"
  • name should be a unique name that identifies a manifest for you
  • version should be the version of the template
  • metadata.app_archetype is information about the manifest for the app archetype gem. metadata.app_archetype.version is required, and must be less than the version of the currently installed gem.
  • variables is an object of variable descriptions
  • next_steps is an array of human readable instructions on what to do after the manifest has been applied

Variable Descriptions

Variable descriptions looks like this:

  "variables": {
    "foo": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "An example string",
      "default": "bar"

Below is a description of the supported attributes in a variable definition:

  • type (required) specifies the type of the variable. This can be one of string, boolean, integer or map
  • description (recommended) a short string that describes to the user what the variable is going to be usef for
  • default (optional) allows you to specify a default that is selected as the value when the user enters nothing into the prompt
  • value (optional) when set the user will not be prompted for a value when the template is being generated
Jsonnet support

If plain ol' JSON isn't quite enough for you - manifests can also be expressed in jsonnet language. This permits you to use functions and objects to generate your template manifest. All manifest.json/manifest.jsonnet files will be parsed as you might expect.

See https://jsonnet.org/ for more jsonnet documentation

Template Folder

Templates are a collection of files within a folder. You may put any files you want in side the /template directory and when it comes time to use the template.

ERB templates or handlebar templates (HBS) will be rendered using the variables specified in the manifest.json. Anything that's not ERB or HBS will be copied across to the destination as is.

You can include handlebars in file names, and like template files, the variables will be used to render the filenames. See https://docs.biggerconcept.com/app_archetype/templates/folder/ for more detailed information about template folders.

Variable Supporting Functions

AppArchetype exposes functions to either further parse the value of a variable or generate data as a value of a variable. The use cases are subtly different, but can be described in the following groups:

See the supporting documentation for more specifid information about supporting functions.

Using the CLI

When setup with a template directory and when installed into the system, app archetype has the following commands:

  • render - Renders a template to the current location
  • list - Prints a list of known templates to STDOUT
  • find - Searches for a template by name
  • open - Opens manifest of template in ARCHETYPE_EDITOR process
  • new - Creates a new blank template in ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR
  • delete - Deletes template and manifest from ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR
  • variables - Prints list of known variables from a manifest
  • path - Prints path to ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR to STDOUT
  • version - Prints gem version to STDOUT
  • help - Provides help on any of the above commands

You will find detailed usage instructions of all commands here: https://docs.biggerconcept.com/app_archetype/commands/

Rendering a Template

The archetype render command will render a template from the ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR to the current CLI location.

It supports an optional --name parameter that refers to the name of the template to render, when this is not provided, the tool will present a list of known templates.

To use:

mkdir where_id_like_to_render
cd where_id_like_to_render
archetype render --name my_template

Listing Templates

You can list the templates in your template directory at any time by running the archetype list command:

archetype list

You will see a summary of known templates similar to this:

NAME                        VERSION
go_module                   2.0.1  
bash_script                 1.0.0  
ruby_cli_gem                1.0.0  

Finding Templates

You can search known templates in your template directory using the archetype find command:

archetype find --name bash

You will be presented with a list of templates that include the given name:

NAME                        VERSION
bash_script                 1.0.0  

Opening Template Manifest

If you have your ARCHETYPE_EDITOR variable set in your environment. You can use the archetype open command to open the manifest in a new editor process (for example vi).

Similar to the archetype find command, you may provide a name option to choose the manifest:

archetype open --name bash_script

Creating a new Template

The archetype new renders a new blank template into the ARCHETYPE_TEMPLATE_DIR location.

Simply run:

archetype new

And follow the prompts.

Deleting an existing template

You can delete a template manifest and its files by running the archetype delete command.

archetype delete --name bash_script

Help and configuration

The Gem provides 2 commands to inspect its config. They are:

Additionally the archetype help provides more detailed usage information about all of the above mentioned commands.


See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information


This gem is covered by the terms of the MIT licence. See LICENCE for more information