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Authorization Gem for Ruby and Ruby on Rails projects



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Arpa is an authorization library for Ruby or Ruby on Rails which restricts the accesses in controller and actions. Arpa will help you to customize all permissions you need dynamically.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'arpa'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install arpa

After you install Arpa and add it to your Gemfile, you need to run the generator:

$ rails generate arpa:install

This command will create some files that are needed to run the Gem.

File Purpose
db/migrate/20140120201010_create_arpa_tables.rb Migration to create the all Arpa tables in your database (your name will include a different timestamp)
config/locales/arpa.en.yml Locales to use in Arpa classes

Obs.: The migration file will create a associate table between Arpa::Profile and SomeModel. By default the model is User as users table. The model to associate must exist in your Application before run that generate.

If you want a different Model to associate with Arpa::Profile you can pass some arguments:

$ rails generate arpa:install [ASSOCIATE_TABLE] [ASSOCIATE_PRIMARY_KEY]

Eg. 1:

$ rails generate arpa:install admins

That command will create the association with admins table with admin_id as foreign key.

Eg. 2:

$ rails generate arpa:install admins admin_custom_id

That command will create the association with admins table with admin_custom_id as foreign key.

After run the generate command, you need to run the migration to create all Arpa tables:

$ rake db:migrate

Arpa can generate the Controllers, Views, Stylesheet and Routes to a basic CRUD for resources, roles and profiles. To do that you can run:

$ rails generate arpa:controllers

This command will create some files.

File Purpose
app/assets/stylesheets/arpa/arpa_accordion.scss Basic stylesheet to use with Arpa views
app/controllers/arpa/resources_controller.rb app/controllers/arpa/roles_controller.rb app/controllers/arpa/profiles_controller.rb Controllers to use the CRUD actions for each one
app/views/arpa/resources/ app/controllers/arpa/roles/ app/controllers/arpa/profiles/ All views to use the CRUD actions for each controller above
config/routes.rb Will add all routes into this file with all resources of Arpa


First of all you must create the Resources, Roles and Profiles (each is avaliable in the paths listed in a section bellow). After that you need associate Arpa::Profile with SomeModel (to do this, you need create by your own the associate form view, saving some profiles in some model). Done that you can use some Helpers generated by Arpa.

Association between Arpa::Profile and SomeModel

You just need have a method called :profile_ids inside the SomeModel model. This method should return a list of ids from profiles associated in the model.

You just add a HBTM association in SomeModel model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
	has_and_belongs_to_many :profiles, class_name: 'Arpa::Repositories::Profiles::RepositoryProfile'

With this you will be able to use the :profile_ids method.

If the Model name is different on database you need add the foreign_key option:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
	self.table_name = 'admins'

	has_and_belongs_to_many :profiles, class_name: 'Arpa::Repositories::Profiles::RepositoryProfile', foreign_key: 'admin_id'

Controller helpers

Arpa will create some helpers to use inside your controllers and views.

To verify if a user has access to some :controler and :action, use the following helper:

has_access?('users', 'index')

Obs.: To that helper method works. You must have :current_user attribute or method.

If you want use that methods inside another object you should use the Arpa::Services::Verifier class;

You just need pass as arguments the :session and :current_user:

verifier =
verifier.has_access?('users', 'index')

Controller Filter

If you want create a filter to verify if the current_user has access and if not redirect to another route you can do this:

Create a method in ApplicationController and add as a before_filter callback from rails:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
	before_filter :authorize_user  
	 def authorize_user
      controller = params[:controller]
      action     = params[:action]		
      redirect_to some_url unless has_access?(controller, action)


Obs. 1: The has_access? method come from Controller Helper method which Arpa gem has been created.

Obs. 2: When you create the before_filter you probably wanna skip that callback in somes controllers (like login or devise controllers). To do this you need set the skip_before_action passing as parameter the name of before_filter method as you can see bellow:

  skip_before_action :authorize_user

Descriptions Locales for Arpa::Entities::Action

Arpa will use on description method from Arpa::Entities::Action a specific Locale.

You should create a locale file to print correctly the descriptions of the actions.


      users: #Here is the name of controller
            #Here is each action of the controller
            index:   'List of Users'
            show:    'Show of User'
            new:     'Access to registration form of User'
            edit:    'Access to change form of User'
            create:  'Perform action registering of User'
            update:  'Perform action update of User'
            destroy: 'Perform action destroy of User'


Arpa will add a new column called is_arpa_admin as boolean in the associate table with value false as default. You must set some user (creating a migration for example), with is_arpa_admin as true to navigate between the views without be catched by the filter verification.

If you want a action of some Controller pass without permission on before_filter callback. You just need start the name of action with underscode ('_'). For example:

  def _some_free_action_which_not_need_permission

The routes created by arpa:controllers generator will be able to access some paths for each Controller created:

generate_resources_and_actions_resources GET    /resources/generate_resources_and_actions(.:format) arpa/resources#generate_resources_and_actions
                               resources GET    /resources(.:format)                                arpa/resources#index
                                         POST   /resources(.:format)                                arpa/resources#create
                            new_resource GET    /resources/new(.:format)                            arpa/resources#new
                           edit_resource GET    /resources/:id/edit(.:format)                       arpa/resources#edit
                                resource GET    /resources/:id(.:format)                            arpa/resources#show
                                         PATCH  /resources/:id(.:format)                            arpa/resources#update
                                         PUT    /resources/:id(.:format)                            arpa/resources#update
                                         DELETE /resources/:id(.:format)                            arpa/resources#destroy
                                         DELETE /roles/:id(.:format)                                arpa/roles#remove
                                   roles GET    /roles(.:format)                                    arpa/roles#index
                                         POST   /roles(.:format)                                    arpa/roles#create
                                new_role GET    /roles/new(.:format)                                arpa/roles#new
                               edit_role GET    /roles/:id/edit(.:format)                           arpa/roles#edit
                                    role GET    /roles/:id(.:format)                                arpa/roles#show
                                         PATCH  /roles/:id(.:format)                                arpa/roles#update
                                         PUT    /roles/:id(.:format)                                arpa/roles#update
                                         DELETE /roles/:id(.:format)                                arpa/roles#destroy
                                         DELETE /profiles/:id(.:format)                             arpa/profiles#remove
                                profiles GET    /profiles(.:format)                                 arpa/profiles#index
                                         POST   /profiles(.:format)                                 arpa/profiles#create
                             new_profile GET    /profiles/new(.:format)                             arpa/profiles#new
                            edit_profile GET    /profiles/:id/edit(.:format)                        arpa/profiles#edit
                                 profile GET    /profiles/:id(.:format)                             arpa/profiles#show
                                         PATCH  /profiles/:id(.:format)                             arpa/profiles#update
                                         PUT    /profiles/:id(.:format)                             arpa/profiles#update
                                         DELETE /profiles/:id(.:format)                             arpa/profiles#destroy


MIT License. Copyright Rachid Calazans.