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`artifactory-cleaner` is a Ruby Gem and CLI interface for performing maintenance tasks on a JFrog Artifactory instance. It is capable of analyzing storage usage and producing reports showing space usage based on artifact age. It can then archive and delete from artifactory repos based on age/last download date with a highly configurable inclusion/exclusion list.


~> 0.14
~> 1.3, >= 1.3.20
>= 0


~> 3.0.15
>= 1.2.0
~> 1.0.1
 Project Readme


Gem Version CircleCI

Artifactory Cleaner is a tool for managing Artifactory repositories with a focus on analyzing and optimizing storage usage within Artifactory. Artifactory::Cleaner can be used as a Gem inside other Ruby automation, and also includes a command-line interface (CLI) which can be used inside an interactive terminal session or incorporated into other automation workflows.


To use as a CLI command:

The gem can be installed using rubygems:

sudo gem install artifactory-cleaner

This will install the artifactory-cleaner command.

Full usage information is available using artifactory-cleaner help

The artifactory-cleaner CLI interface follows the same format as git: artifactory-cleaner command [options]

Commands available are:

  • artifactory-cleaner archive Given a specific set of criteria (and optionally a set of filters) download all artifacts from specified repos to the local filesystem. Note: this will cause the last_downloaded date of all the artifacts which are archived to be updated to the time the command is run, so they may no longer match your search criteria on a subsequent run
  • artifactory-cleaner clean delete old artifacts which meet a specific set of criteria (and optionally a set of filters) from a given set of repos, with the ability to archive them to the local filesystem. This is Artifactory::Cleaner's primry function: to reduce disk space usage by deleting old, unnecessary artifacts.
  • artifactory-cleaner list-repos provides information about available repositories in Artifactory. Can be used in pipelines with the -H flag, or can be used to query repository information in human-readable columns.
  • artifactory-cleaner usage-report analyze artifacts and produce a report detailing usage breakdown by date ranges, optionally producing a detailed YAML report of all artifacts meeting search criteria

Authentication and Configuration

In order for artifactory-cleaner to know which Artifactory server to communicate with and how to authenticate, either command-line arguments may be used, or (preferably) a configuration filr may be specified using the -c / --conf-file switch.

If using command line arguments, --endpoint can be used to specify the HTTPS URL of the Artifactory API, and --api-key can be used to specify the API key. Be aware

To use as a gem:

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'artifactory-cleaner'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install artifactory-cleaner


Execute artifactory-cleaner help for a usage statement


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to