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When you need robust image processing features into your Ruby application, but do not have time&resources to develop complex imaging back end yourself, Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for Ruby is for you. There are set of powerful image conversion, transformation, filtering features along with advanced reverse image search feature exposed via Aspose.Imaging REST API and wrapped as native Ruby SDK to help Ruby developers build imaging applications easy. Aspose.Imaging Cloud SDK for Ruby offers advanced processing of multi page TIFF images. You can extract a single TIFF frame to crop, resize, rotate, or flip add the frame, prepare TIFF as a fax. This repository contains Aspose.Imaging Cloud Ruby SDK source code. This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Imaging Cloud REST APIs in your Ruby applications quickly and easily, with zero initial cost. To use this SDK, you will need Client ID and Client Key which can be looked up at Aspose Cloud Dashboard (free registration in Aspose Cloud is required for this). The solution is updated using code generator.
 Project Readme

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Image Processing in Cloud via Ruby REST API

Aspose.Imaging Cloud is a true REST API that enables you to perform a wide range of image processing operations including creation, manipulation and conversion in the cloud, with zero initial costs. Our Cloud SDKs are wrappers around REST API in various programming languages, allowing you to process images in language of your choice quickly and easily, gaining all benefits of strong types and IDE highlights.

This repository contains Aspose.Imaging Cloud Ruby SDK source code. This SDK allows you to work with Aspose.Imaging Cloud REST APIs in your Python applications quickly and easily, with zero initial cost.

To use this SDK, you will need Client ID and Client secret which can be looked up at Aspose Cloud Dashboard (free registration in Aspose Cloud is required for this).

The solution is updated using code generator.

Image Processing Features

  • Fetch or update properties of cloud-hosted images.
  • Scale, flip, crop, and export an image with a single API call.
  • Resize, crop, flip, convert, and export an image to other supported formats.
  • Update image parameters of JPEG2000 & WEBP images.
  • Access and multi-frame TIFF image and extract the desired frames from it.
  • Rotate, flip, crop, resize, or fetch properties of the selected TIFF frame.
  • Merge multiple TIFF images.

Read & Write Image Formats


Save Image As


Read Image Formats


Enhancements in Version 20.12

  • Enhanced the EPS file format inheritance to support rotate, resize, flip, etc. operations as vector images support.
  • Improved image loading, conversion, and export features.
  • Added the JavaScript SDK.

Enhancements in Version 20.9

  • Resumed the support of Android SDK and updated reference to Aspose.Imaging and Aspose.PSD.

Enhancements in Version 20.10

  • Support for additional image formats in Object Detection.
  • Support to load and convert EPS files to PDF/A format.

Storage API support

Since version 19.4, SDK includes support of storage operations for better user experience and unification, so now there's no need to use 2 different SDKs!

It gives you an ability to:

  • Upload, download, copy, move and delete files, including versions handling (if you are using Cloud storage that supports this feature - true by default)
  • Create, copy, move and delete folders
  • Copy and move files and folders accross separate storages in scope of a single operation
  • Check if certain file, folder or storage exists

Detalied official documentation can be found at the following link.

This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 3.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen


Build a gem

To build the Ruby code into a gem:

gem build aspose-imaging-cloud.gemspec

Then either install the gem locally:

gem install ./aspose-imaging-cloud.gem

(for development, run gem install --dev ./aspose-imaging-cloud.gem to install the development dependencies)

or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.

Finally add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'aspose-imaging-cloud', '~> 23.5'

Install from Git

If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID, then add the following in the Gemfile:

gem 'aspose-imaging-cloud', :git => 'https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Convert PNG to JPG in Ruby

    # Get your ClientId and ClientSecret from https://dashboard.aspose.cloud (free registration required).
	api = AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi.new("MY_CLIENT_SECRET", "MY_CLIENT_ID")

	requestParam = AsposeImagingCloud::ConvertImageRequest.new("sample.png", "jpg", "tempFolder", "My_Storage_Name")
	result = api.convert_image(requestParam)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.aspose.cloud/v3.0

Class Method HTTP request Description
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi add_search_image POST /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/image Add image and images features to search context. Image data may be passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi append_tiff POST /imaging/tiff/{name}/appendTiff Appends existing TIFF image to another existing TIFF image (i.e. merges TIFF images).
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi compare_images POST /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/compare Compare two images. Image data may be passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi convert_tiff_to_fax GET /imaging/tiff/{name}/toFax Update parameters of existing TIFF image accordingly to fax parameters.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi copy_file PUT /imaging/storage/file/copy/{srcPath} Copy file
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi copy_folder PUT /imaging/storage/folder/copy/{srcPath} Copy folder
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_cropped_image POST /imaging/crop Crop an image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_deskewed_image POST /imaging/deskew Deskew an image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_fax_tiff POST /imaging/tiff/toFax Update parameters of TIFF image accordingly to fax parameters. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_folder PUT /imaging/storage/folder/{path} Create the folder
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_grayscaled_image POST /imaging/grayscale Grayscales an image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_image_features POST /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/features Extract images features and add them to search context. Image data may be passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_image_frame POST /imaging/frames/{frameId} Get separate frame from existing image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_image_frame_range POST /imaging/frames/range Get frames range from existing image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_image_search POST /imaging/ai/imageSearch/create Create new search context.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_image_tag POST /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/addTag Add tag and reference image to search context. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_bmp POST /imaging/bmp Update parameters of BMP image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_emf POST /imaging/emf Process existing EMF imaging using given parameters. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_gif POST /imaging/gif Update parameters of GIF image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_jpeg POST /imaging/jpg Update parameters of JPEG image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_jpeg2000 POST /imaging/jpg2000 Update parameters of JPEG2000 image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_psd POST /imaging/psd Update parameters of PSD image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_svg POST /imaging/svg Update parameters of SVG image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_tiff POST /imaging/tiff Update parameters of TIFF image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_web_p POST /imaging/webp Update parameters of WEBP image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_modified_wmf POST /imaging/wmf Process existing WMF image using given parameters. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_object_bounds POST /imaging/ai/objectdetection/bounds Detects objects bounds. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_resized_image POST /imaging/resize Resize an image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_rotate_flipped_image POST /imaging/rotateflip Rotate and/or flip an image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_updated_image POST /imaging/updateImage Perform scaling, cropping and flipping of an image in a single request. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_visual_object_bounds POST /imaging/ai/objectdetection/visualbounds Detects objects bounds and draw them on the original image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi create_web_site_image_features POST /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/features/web Extract images features from web page and add them to search context
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi crop_image GET /imaging/{name}/crop Crop an existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi delete_file DELETE /imaging/storage/file/{path} Delete file
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi delete_folder DELETE /imaging/storage/folder/{path} Delete folder
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi delete_image_features DELETE /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/features Deletes image features from search context.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi delete_image_search DELETE /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId} Deletes the search context.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi delete_search_image DELETE /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/image Delete image and images features from search context
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi deskew_image GET /imaging/{name}/deskew Deskew an existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi download_file GET /imaging/storage/file/{path} Download file
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi extract_image_features GET /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/image2features Extract features from image without adding to search context. Image data may be passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi extract_image_frame_properties POST /imaging/frames/{frameId}/properties Get separate frame properties of existing image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi extract_image_properties POST /imaging/properties Get properties of an image. Image data is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi filter_effect_image PUT /imaging/{name}/filterEffect Apply filtering effects to an existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi find_image_duplicates GET /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/findDuplicates Find images duplicates.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi find_images_by_tags POST /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/findByTags Find images by tags. Tags JSON string is passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi find_similar_images GET /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/findSimilar Find similar images. Image data may be passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_disc_usage GET /imaging/storage/disc Get disc usage
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_file_versions GET /imaging/storage/version/{path} Get file versions
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_files_list GET /imaging/storage/folder/{path} Get all files and folders within a folder
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_image_features GET /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/features Gets image features from search context.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_image_frame GET /imaging/{name}/frames/{frameId} Get separate frame from existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_image_frame_properties GET /imaging/{name}/frames/{frameId}/properties Get separate frame properties of existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_image_frame_range GET /imaging/{name}/frames/range Get frames range from existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_image_properties GET /imaging/{name}/properties Get properties of an image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_image_search_status GET /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/status Gets the search context status.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_object_bounds GET /imaging/ai/objectdetection/{name}/bounds Detects objects' bounds
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_search_image GET /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/image Get image from search context
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi get_visual_object_bounds GET /imaging/ai/objectdetection/{name}/visualbounds Detects objects bounds and draw them on the original image
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi grayscale_image GET /imaging/{name}/grayscale Grayscale an existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_bmp GET /imaging/{name}/bmp Update parameters of existing BMP image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_emf GET /imaging/{name}/emf Process existing EMF imaging using given parameters.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_gif GET /imaging/{name}/gif Update parameters of existing GIF image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_jpeg GET /imaging/{name}/jpg Update parameters of existing JPEG image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_jpeg2000 GET /imaging/{name}/jpg2000 Update parameters of existing JPEG2000 image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_psd GET /imaging/{name}/psd Update parameters of existing PSD image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_svg GET /imaging/{name}/svg Update parameters of existing SVG image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_tiff GET /imaging/{name}/tiff Update parameters of existing TIFF image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_web_p GET /imaging/{name}/webp Update parameters of existing WEBP image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi modify_wmf GET /imaging/{name}/wmf Process existing WMF image using given parameters.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi move_file PUT /imaging/storage/file/move/{srcPath} Move file
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi move_folder PUT /imaging/storage/folder/move/{srcPath} Move folder
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi object_exists GET /imaging/storage/exist/{path} Check if file or folder exists
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi resize_image GET /imaging/{name}/resize Resize an existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi rotate_flip_image GET /imaging/{name}/rotateflip Rotate and/or flip an existing image.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi storage_exists GET /imaging/storage/{storageName}/exist Check if storage exists
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi update_image GET /imaging/{name}/updateImage Perform scaling, cropping and flipping of an existing image in a single request.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi update_image_features PUT /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/features Update images features in search context. Image data may be passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi update_search_image PUT /imaging/ai/imageSearch/{searchContextId}/image Update image and images features in search context. Image data may be passed as zero-indexed multipart/form-data content or as raw body stream.
AsposeImagingCloud::ImagingApi upload_file PUT /imaging/storage/file/{path} Upload file

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: OAuth
  • Flow: application
  • Authorization URL:
  • Scopes: N/A

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