AssetPipelineI18n¶ ↑
Shortly: asset-pipeline + i18n
Some additional words: you would like to internationalize your javascript/css files the same way you do in the rest of application. For example you would like to write something like:
alert(<%= I18n.t('') %>)
That works OK in development mode but with asset pipeline you have only one precompiled and (cached) application.js file translated with the default language. What you would need is a collection of language specific application.js files, like application-en.js, application-it.js, etc. This gem is exactly for that!
Usage¶ ↑
If not already done, define all locales your application uses in an initializer:
I18n.available_locales = %w(de it en fr)
Add the gem to your Gemfile:
gem 'asset_pipeline_i18n'
In your application.rb add:
config.localized_assets = ["application-%{locale}.js"]
Now define all the application-xx.js files for every locale like that:
//= require application
And of course, in your layout, you also have to use something like:
javascript_include_tag "application-#{I18n.locale}"
rake assets:precompile
Known problems¶ ↑
Remove “require_tree .”¶ ↑
It is no more possible to write
//= require_tree .
in application.js because this will create a circular dependency now. One easy workaround is to move all the js files in a subdirectory (e.g. lib) and then:
//= require_tree ./lib
No proper i18n in development environment¶ ↑
This gem is intended for compiling translated assets for production environment. Unfortunately it does not provide proper translations when running in development environment due to assets caching.
Versioning¶ ↑
The idea is to use the same version number of the Rails version the gem is compatible with. So asset_pipeline_i18n version 3.2.5 is for Rails 3.2.5 and so on. If the gem is broken and we have to release a fix, then we will use a forth level number, like To keep things easy, the dependency of the gem if of the form ~> x.x.x, so we assume that it works also with new versions of Rails, until proved otherwise :)
Contacts¶ ↑
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