Attacked allows you to manage a list of blocked IP addresses in your Rails application. Attacked stores a list of blocked IP addresses in your database and also caches these in your Rails cache for fast lookups.
Attacked allows you the convenience to block an IP from your admin area or Rails console without deploying your application.
You can use Attacked with rack-attack to manage a blocklist. Attacked caches blocked IP addresses so that there is minimal overhead to your requests.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'attacked'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Copy the migrations from attacked to your application:
$ bin/rails attacked:install:migrations
Migrate your application:
$ bin/rails db:migrate
Install rack-attack as usual and setup a blocklist:
# Block attacks from IPs
# To block an IP: Attacked::BlockedIpAddress.block("")
# To unblock an IP: Attacked::BlockedIpAddress.unblock("")
blocklist("block ips") do |req|
Please note that Attacked
defaults to using the Rails.cache
when caching blocked
IP addresses. As such you must setup a cache store for your application.
To block an IP:
To unblock an IP:
To check if an IP is blocked:
Contribution directions go here.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.