What led me to the creation of this engine was the fact that on several projects that I have worked on, always have the same problems with the gem devise, and almost always because I want that the authentication follows a flow that devise doesn't follow by default.
For example, I don't want people to be able to register themselves, I want it to be done by an authenticated user. And then, these people should receive an account confirmation/activation email, and when they click the link in that email, they can choose their own password.
So, I decided to create an engine, trying to make it as easy as possible to integrate with a newly created application.
Later I will try to clarify the flow of this engine. Any suggestion, thanks.
What it does?
Authentication & Users Mgmt
- Devise authentication.
- Users cannot register themselves. It's supposed to be an administrator to do so.
- When an administrator registers an user, he doesn't choose a password for him. An email is sent, and the user can then confirm his account by choosing a password.
- Users management backoffice.
- Emails sent with Delayed Job.
- Haml views.
- Formtastic forms.
- Users deletion with rails3_cts_as_paranoid.
- Permissions with Cancan.
###If you don't have delayed_job, in your Gemfile add:
gem 'delayed_job_active_record'
And run:
bundle install
rails generate delayed_job:active_record
rake db:migrate
###Installation In your project:
cd vendor/engines
git clone
cd ../..
In your Gemfile:
gem 'auth_eng', :path => "vendor/engines"
bundle install
rake auth_eng:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
In your routes file:
mount AuthEng::Engine, :at => "/auth_eng"
And then, add an user (don't forget to configure the email in your environment):
AuthEng::Role.create(name: "Administrator")
AuthEng::User.create(name: "user_name", email: "user_email", role_id: 1)
on rails console or seeds.rb (you will receive a confirmation email)
If you found a bug or if you think that should be done an improvement in the project, I'll appreciate any contact.