Current Version
This version was introduced to support Rails 5. It depends on activerecord ~> 5.0 and contains several large gem upgrades. This is not a backwards compatible upgrade, and introduces many breaking changes if there is no gem compatibility.
This plugin implements model-side logic for autocompleting belongs_to associations. It handles validations, autocompleting the same association via different fields (say name or login) and the ability to specify a custom finder block.
It works out-of-the-box with existing front-end autocompletion solutions because all it does is set the value of the belongs_to association based on an attribute that can be set directly or via update_attributes (see examples below.)
class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
# has a login and open_id column
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
# set the author_login field to autocomplete by author login
autocomplete_for :author, :login do = Author.find(:first, :conditions => {:login => @author_login})
# set the author_open_id field to autocomplete by author open_id
autocomplete_for :author, :open_id do = Author.find(:first, :conditions => {:open_id => @author_open_id})
Using autocomplete_for in your models to set belongs_to associations:
author = Author.create! :login => 'baz'
post = Post.create! :author_login => 'baz' # automatically finds the author with the login 'baz'
puts # will output 'baz'
Errors are generated automatically if the given information does not correspond to a valid model:
author = Author.create! :login => 'baz'
post = Post.create :author_login => 'quux'
puts post.errors[:author_login] # will print an error message
Running the tests
You can run the unit tests using rake