AWESOMEBOTFACTORY! - Super charge your campfire chatrooms with a whole catalog of awesome bots!
What's the Awesomebotfactory?
The is the factory for skilled bots that hang out in your campfire chatroom. They are there to support you, make you smile and in general do whatever you want. - what bots are for, right? There is already a growing catalog of skills on the awesomebotfactory available and with this gem you can easily develop your own and teach your bot new tricks.
What is this Gem?
A skill for the awesomebotfactory is basicly any web application that accepts a POST request with details about a matched campfire message and returns a simple JSON with the content that should be replied into the chat room. This gem makes it super easy to develop and deploy such an application. It gives you the basic structure of an application and the tools to deploy it to heroku.
How to develop new skills
Developing new skills for your campfire bot is super easy.
- create a new application
- hack,hack,hack
- deploy
- register and activate the new skill - and done!
gem install awesome_bot_factory
awesomebotfactory create DemoSkill
this creates a new directory demo_skill with all the needed files. open the directory and adjust the demo_skill.rb for your liking. All is allowed it only has to respond to reply and return a JSON with a "body" which is the message to be replied and a "type" with the type of message you want to reply (see campfire api for options)
you can deploy anywhere you want but free deployment to heroku is included. so just do
awesomebotfactory deploy
This creates an application on heroku, prepares your git repository if needed and pushes the code to heroku. In our case the application will be available on
After we have deployed the skill we have to tell the about it. Currently there is no command for this yet so we go to enter our details and activate the skill for our bot.
now for every campfire message that matches the registered regex your application will be requested for a reply. Easy as that! try it!
coming soon
If you have any questions let me know