I suggest you add the QR code given and then use the secret to generate this one, just incase
I have a fair number of AWS accounts. I use it both personally and professionally. I was finding it difficult to add new accounts and keep track of which account / user they were associated in. Most other MFA providers set the issuer field in the QR code which makes life a little easier.
This utility is just really to help set the issuer, i suggest you add an account label (--accountlabel) with the name of the account you want.
Personally I think that's a lot clearer! This is only a cli tool, it doesn't display the QRCode in the terminal as I found that ascii art QRCodes didn't work with the google auth app.
using it
awsqr generate --secret=SECRET --username=USERNAME [--accountlabel=ACCOUNTLABEL --output=OUTPUTIMAGENAME]
output images are png's.
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