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This gem provides a Ruby wrapper over Axiomus API.


~> 0.5
~> 1.6
 Project Readme

Axiomus API

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This is a Ruby wrapper over Axiomus delivery service public API.

All methods exposed by the API v.2.14 are implemented. Also expmode attribute of an Item introduced by API v.2.20 is supported.


To install this gem type the following in your command line:

  gem install axiomus_api

If you are using Bundler add the following line to your Gemfile:

  gem 'axiomus_api'

If you prefer to install the most up-to-date development version, add

  gem 'axiomus_api', git: 'git@github.com:kinderly/axiomus_api.git', branch: 'master'


To access Axiomus API you have to know two values: oid and ukey.

AxiomusApi::Session is a main class to communicate with API.

  @uid = '92' # your uid goes here
  @ukey = 'XXcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764XX' # your ukey goes here
  @test = true # use test API?
  @session = AxiomusApi::Session.new(@uid, @ukey, @test)

You can construct a test session easily (using test credentials provided by Axiomus):

  @session = AxiomusApi.test_session

Names of methods of AxiomusApi::Session are the same as those described in the API documentation.

Getting regions info

  @region_info = @session.get_regions()

Creating and updating an order

To create an order you'll have to construct an order object and fill all its fields according to the documentation. Please note, that different requests use different order types.

  # Simple delivery order ('new' and 'update' methods)

  @order = AxiomusApi::Order.new
  # fill order fields
  @response = @session.new(@order)
  #update some order fields
  @response = @session.update(@order)

  # Pickup order ('new_carry' and 'update_carry' methods)
  @order = AxiomusApi::CarryOrder.new
  # fill order fields
  @response = @session.new_carry(@order)
  #update some order fields
  @response = @session.update_carry(@order)

Here's a list of session methods and their corresponding order types:

  • new, update => AxiomusApi::Order
  • new_carry, update_carry => AxiomusApi::CarryOrder
  • new_export, update_export => AxiomusApi::ExportOrder
  • new_self_export, update_self_export => AxiomusApi::SelfExportOrder
  • new_post, update_post => AxiomusApi::PostOrder
  • new_dpd, update_dpd => AxiomusApi::DpdOrder
  • new_ems, update_ems => AxiomusApi::EmsOrder
  • new_region_courier, update_region_courier => AxiomusApi::RegionCourierOrder
  • new_region_pickup, update_region_pickup => AxiomusApi::RegionPickupOrder

You can also specify the Axiomus method as a symbol, using AxiomusApi::Session#send_order_request method

  # EMS order ('new_ems' and 'update_ems' methods)
  @order = AxiomusApi::EmsOrder.new
  # fill order fields
  @response =  @session.send_order_request(:new_ems, @order)
  #update some order fields
  @response =  @session.send_order_request(:update_ems, @order)

Most orders use AxiomusApi::Item as their item type, but some don't. To safely create an item of a proper type, use #add_item method of your order's #items field:

  @order = AxiomusApi::EmsOrder.new
  @my_item = @order.items.add_item
  @my_item.name = 'My awesome product'
  @my_item.weight = 0.3
  # set other fields

Getting order status

  @okey = '642d208495dtgu8906e7dff9f98764da' # your okey goes here
  @status = @session.status(@okey)

Rendering labels locally

You can render Axiomus labels in your own layout. The labels are rendered in HTML format.

label = AxiomusApi::Label.new
label.dispatch_number = '213123123123'
label.order_id = '12345'
label.client_name = 'John Doe'
label.weight = 0.3
label.date =
label.b_time = 10
label.e_time = 14
label.place = 1
label.places = 3
label.address = '344000 Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Б. Садовая 23'
label.type = 'P'
label.city = 'ПР'
html = AxiomusApi::Label.render(label)

You can also render several labels on one page:

html = AxiomusApi::Label.render([label1, label2, label3])

There's a built-in ERB template for rendering labels, but you can also provide your own:

html = AxiomusApi::Label.render(label, my_erb_string)

Error handling

Before sending a request, the library will validate your order object to check for missing fields or wrong type of parameters. If there are errors, it will raise an AxiomusApi::Errors::ValidationError exception. List of errors can be accessed via the order's #validation_errors method. Please note that passing validation doesn't necessarily mean the order will be accepted by Axiomus.

If any kind of order request returns with an Axiomus status other than 0, the session will raise an AxiomusApi::Errors::RequestError exception.