Bindle is a server and development environment creation tool.
It sets up your repository with the correct files to use Vagrant, knife-ec2, knife-solo, and librarian-chef.
To use Vagrant you'll need to install the current version at
$ gem install bindle
The following environment variables will need to be set to work with EC2:
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - AWS API Access Key Id found here
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY - AWS API Secret Access Key found here
- AWS_SECURITY_KEY_NAME - Name of EC2 security key to use
- AWS_IDENTITY_FILE - The path to the identity file matching the security key
You can also override the following options with an environment variable:
- AWS_SSH_USER - The ssh user to use when accessing a server (defaults to 'ubuntu')
- AWS_DEFAULT_FLAVOR - The EC2 instance size to use (defaults to 't1.micro')
- AWS_DEFAULT_AMI - The AMI to use to build a server (defaults to 'ami-8b0772e2' Ubuntu 12.10 image from
sets up the current directory with config files for librarian, a Cheffile, a Gemfile, a knife.rb file, and a base chef role
To initialize the current directory run:
$ bindle init
You can also pass a directory as the first argument to init and it will initialize bindle in that directory
$ bindle init ~/code/bindle_test
Once initialized you can use librarian-chef, vagrant, and knife to work with cookbooks and build servers.
To create and provision a vagrant box, just run:
$ vagrant up
To launch an EC2 image, run:
$ bin/knife ec2 server create -T Name="bindle_server"
$ bin/knife solo prepare HOST_NAME_OF_CREATED_SERVER --run-list "role[base]"
$ bin/knife solo cook HOST_NAME_OF_CREATED_SERVER
To add cookbooks, update the Cheffile and run:
$ bin/librarian-chef install
To update installed cookbooks, run:
$ bin/librarian-chef update [cookbook_name]
Vagrant, Chef, Knife Solo, Knife EC2, and Librarian Chef have a lot more functionality. Follow these links to dig in some more:
Knife Solo
Knife EC2
Librarian Chef
Copyright (c) 2013 Scott Bader
Bindle is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt for details.