Swap in really accurate citations using a wide variety of citation styles to your Blacklight app.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'blacklight-citeproc'
And then execute:
$ bundle
And then run the install generator:
$ rails generate blacklight:citeproc:install
Go into your application's catalog controller, and set the correct fields:
config.citeproc = {
bibtex_field: 'bibtex_s' # Optional. If you are already indexing BibTeX into solr, this will be the preferred way to get bibliographic data
# If no bibtex_field defined, or if it is not found in the solr document, use these fields instead:
fields: {
address: 'published_ssm',
annote: 'annotation_tsim',
author: 'author_tsim',
booktitle: 'booktitle_tsim',
chapter: 'chapter_tsim',
doi: 'doi_tsim',
edition: 'edition_tsim',
editor: 'editor_tsim',
how_published: 'how_published_tsim',
institution: 'institution_tsim',
journal: 'journal_tsim',
key: 'id',
month: 'month_tsim',
note: 'note_tsim',
number: 'number_tsim',
organization: 'organization_tsim',
pages: 'pages_tsim',
publisher: 'publisher_tsim',
school: 'school_tsim',
series: 'series_tsim',
title: 'title_tsim',
type: 'type_tsim',
url: 'url_tsim',
volume: 'number_tsim',
year: 'pub_date_ssim'
styles: %w(apa chicago-fullnote-bibliography modern-language-association ieee council-of-science-editors),
format: {
field: format
default_format: :book
mappings: {
article: [],
book: ['Book', 'Musical Score', 'Ebook'],
booklet: [],
conference: [],
inbook: [],
incollection: [],
inproceedings: [],
manual: [],
mastersthesis: [],
misc: ['Map/Globe', 'Non-musical Recording', 'Musical Recording', 'Image', 'Software/Data', 'Video/Film'],
phdthesis: [],
proceedings: [],
techreport: [],
unpublished: []
Finally, go into your locale files and make sure to add friendly versions of the citations styles you are using for each locale your app uses.
apa: APA 6th Edition
You can get a very simple blacklight app that uses this gem by running docker-compose up -d