Simple little gem to fetch the latest blog posts from multiple RSS or Atom feeds and cache them in an ActiveRecord model to be displayed in your Rails application.
Blogpostify comes with rake tasks and view helpers to assit with integration into your existing application.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'blogpostify'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Once bundled with your application, run the migration included with the gem:
bundle exec rake blogpostify:install:migrations
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Add your blog details in an initializer config/initializers/blogpostify.rb
Blogpostify.configure do |config|
config.add_blog("Riding Rails", "")
The title of your blog will be parameterized to form an blog identifier for your cached posts. You can optionally set :short_name
to override this. If you wish to add an icon to your blog you can set :icon
. Finally, if you'd like to set the homepage the feed is related to set :homepage
Blogpostify.configure do |config|
config.add_blog("Riding Rails", "", homepage: "")
config.add_blog("Signal v. Noise", "", :short_name: "svn", icon: "")
Okay, great! You're all ready to start fetching blog posts.
For your convenience we've included a couple of rake tasks to assist with updating blog posts. Feel free to use these in conjunction with cron
to update your posts, if you're using something like clockwork
to schedule tasks, we'll look at that in a second.
will go through each configured blog and attempt to fetch new posts for them:
bundle exec rake blogpostify:update_all
=> 2 new posts added
can be used to just update a single blog, pass BLOG as an environment variable to specifty the blog:
bundle exec rake blogpostify:update BLOG=svn
=> 4 new posts added
So what if you're using something like clockwork
or another ruby based worker to run your scheduled task? No problem. To update all blogs simply run:
=> [#<Blogpostify::Post...]
Just want to update one blog? No problem:
=> [#<Blogpostify::Post...]
If we can't find the blog specified in the configuration you'll recieve a Blogpostify::BlogNotFound error.
Displaying Entries
Single Blog
There are a couple of helpers included to assist you in displaying your post entries in your app. blog_posts_for
fetches the most recent posts for a particular blog, sorted by published date. Lets have a look at these in practice in app/views/dashboard/index.html.haml
= blog_posts_for('svn', :count => 1) do |blog, posts|
- if blog.populated?
%h4 Latest News
- posts.each do |post|
%span.title= post.title
%span.description= truncate post.description, :length => 90
%span.published= post.published_at.strftime("%-d %b %H:%M") link_to "Read More...",
Note that you can optionally pass count
to blog_posts_for
to only get the n-latest posts. By default this is 3.
Mutliple Blogs
If you'd like to render all of the blogs configured in Blogpostify you can call all_blogs
in your view. Your block will get passed the Blog object and an array of posts.
- all_blogs(:count => 3) do |blog, posts|
%h4= link_to, blog.homepage
- posts.each do |post|
%li= link_to post.title,