

Low commit activity in last 3 years
A long-lived project that still receives updates
Site Generation Toolkit with Slim, SCSS, CoffeeScript and Markdown


~> 1.7
~> 2.2
>= 4.0, < 6.0
~> 0.2
 Project Readme

Bobkit - Site Generation Toolkit

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Bobkit is a lightweight toolkit for generating static websites with:

Slim + SCSS + CoffeeScript + Markdown + I18n

The design intentions were to:

  • Provide easy to use wrapper methods for Slim, SCSS, CoffeeScript and Markdown.
  • Not impose any directory structure (this is not another blog generator...).
  • Allow you to use standard ruby for generating your site how you see fit.
  • Be packaged as a library, and not a command line tool.
  • Provide sensible default locations that are easily overridable.
  • Add render and layout support to Slim (Rails-like).
  • Add i18n support to Slim (Rails-like).
  • Add @import 'globbing/*' support to SCSS (Rails-like).


gem install bobkit

Or with Bundler:

gem 'bobkit'


The basic usage pattern is this:

  • Create a ruby file and include Bobkit
  • Create your input folders (for Slim templates, SCSS files etc.) wherever you want (or use the default locations, see below).
  • In your Ruby script, call Bobkit methods to generate your site.


require 'bobkit'
include Bobkit::Tasks

# Convert Slim to HTML string
html = render 'youtube', video: 'hi9tOILaiNs'
puts html

# Convert Slim to HTML file
# This will use 'templates/youtube.slim', with the layout file
# `templates/layouts/default.slim` and will generate 'output/bobcat.html'.
render 'youtube', layout: 'default', video: 'hi9tOILaiNs', output: 'bobcat'

# Compile SCSS
# This will convert `styles/main.scss` to `output/css/style.css`
compile_css 'main', output: 'style'

See more examples in the Examples folder

DSL or Instance

Bobkit was primarily designed as a DSL, but if you wish to use a more scoped approach, you can use an instance of the Bob class.

require 'bobkit'

# Option 1: DSL
include Bobkit::Tasks
render ...
compile_css ...

# Option 2: Bob class
bob =
bob.render ...
bob.compile_css ...


Setting folder locations and options

Bobkit has defaults for everything, but you can easily change them. Each of these methods can be called with or without a parameter. When called without a parameter, it will simply return the value.

# Base location of all other folders. Default: "."
root_folder 'my_app'

# Location of source Slim templates. Default: "templates"
templates_folder 'views'

# Location of source Slim templates for layouts. 
# Default: "#{templates_folder}/layouts"
layouts_folder 'my_layouts'

# Location of markdown files. Default: "markdown"
markdown_folder 'docs'

# Location of the source SCSS files. Default: "styles"
styles_folder 'styles'

# Location of locale configuration files. Default: "locales"
locales_folder 'locales'

# Output location. Default: "output"
output_folder 'site'

# Output location for CSS. Default: "#{output_folder}/css"
css_output_folder "#{output_folder}/stylesheets"

# Location of other source asset files (images etc.). Default: 'assets'
assets_folder 'files'

# Output location for assets. Default: "#{output_folder}/assets"
assets_output_folder 'images'

# Options for Slim generation.
slim_options pretty: true, disable_escape: true

# Options for SCSS generation.
scss_options cache: true, syntax: :scss, style: :nested

# Restore all settings to defaults


# You can set a scope before calling any `render`
html = render 'cats'

# You can use a hash as scope
scope email: '', name: 'Bob'
html = render 'user'

# You can render an object that responds to 'to_partial'
# This method should return the name of the partial file
user =
html = render user

# You can send a scope directly to `render`
html = render 'user', email: '', name: 'Bob'

# You can render with a layout
html = render 'user', layout: 'default', email: ''

# You can save to a file in the `output_folder`
render 'user', layout: 'default', email: '', output: 'bob'

# You can send an HTML string as the content of a layout
render content: "<h1>Hello</h1>", layout: 'default'

In addition, you can call = render 'template' from inside a slim template.

To check if a certain context variable was provided to a slim template, you can use if have? :varname.


# You can compile SCSS to a CSS string, to do as you please with it
css = compile_css 'style'

# You can compile SCSS directly to a file
compile_css 'style', output: 'main'


# You can compile CoffeeScript to a Javascript string
js = compile_js 'script'

# You can compile CoffeeScript directly to a file
compile_js 'script', output: 'main'


# Compile a markdown file to HTML string
html = markdown 'article'

# Compile directly to a file, inside a slim layout
markdown 'article', layout: :default, output: 'article'

# All options pass through directly to the slim renderer
html = markdown 'article', layout: :default, sidebar: true

Asset helpers

Anything other than CSS, Javascript and HTML is considered an asset. These are some helpers to help you move them around from input to output folders.

# Copy a file from the `assets_folder` to the `assets_output_folder`
copy_asset ''

# Copy a folder
copy_asset 'images'

Internationalization (I18n)

Bobkit supports these i18n features:

  • Set the folder for your localization files with locales_folder (default: 'locales').
  • You can call = t('common.hello') from a slim template.
  • You can call = l( from a slim template.
  • Any call to render 'template_name' will first look for a localized version of the file (template_name.en.slim) and will use it if found. Otherwise, it will use the unlozalized filename (template_name.slim).

Low level file and folder helpers

If you want more control over what the copy_asset method provides, you can use any of these methods.

# Copy a file - needed parent folders will be created as needed
copy_file 'exact/', 'exact/output/'

# Copy a folder - needed parent folders will be created as needed
copy_folder 'exact/path', 'exact/output/folder'

# Create folder, and any of the needed parent folders
create_folder 'my_folder'

# Create folder for a file, with any of the needed parent folders
create_folder_for 'some/folder/with/file.png'

File Watcher

Bobkit comes bundled with FileWatcher, and has a shortcut method to use it.

include Bobkit::Watcher

watch do |changes|
  changes do |filename, event|
    puts "#{event}: #{filename}"

def generate
  # Your generation logic here

The watch command is just like[...]).watch() do |filename, event| with the exception that the array of paths to watch is optional. If none provided, we will watch all the input folders.