Description¶ ↑
This bond plugin generates completions for gems that have been documented with yard.
Install¶ ↑
Install the gem with:
gem install bond-yard
Usage¶ ↑
Add to your ~/.irbrc
require 'bond/yard'
In your .irbrc or in the console, load completions for gems that have been documented with yard:
>> Bond.load_yard_gems 'bond' Bond: Building/loading bond's .yardoc database ... => ['bond'] >> Bond.start :[TAB] :bare :debug :default_mission :default_search :eval_binding :eval_debug :gems :readline_plugin
For more examples, see here.
Todo¶ ↑
Generate method autocompletions for any arguments based on yard docs
Links¶ ↑
yard-bond - Alternative implementation which avoids loading the yardoc cache at runtime