BOSH Verify Manifest
Making errors when editing BOSH manifests is common. Waiting for errors to become
apparent by running bosh deploy
is slow.
This gem aims to speed up the feedback cycle when editing BOSH manifests by running checks against your manifests locally.
Command Line
Once you have installed the bosh-verify-manifest
gem a new bosh sub-command
will be available:
$ gem install bosh-verify-manifest
$ bosh help verify
verify manifest
Check the BOSH manifest for common errors
This command acts on the deployment that you have selected with
bosh deployment
$ bosh deployment ./path/to/deployment/manifest.yml
$ bosh verify manifest
As an alternative to using the command line interface you can use the built-in support for verifying manifests from MiniTest.
For example you might combine the built-in checks with code that uses Fog to compare the manifest against the environment you are deploying into.
# spec/example_spec.rb
require_relative 'spec_helper'
# Load the manifest 'example-deployment.yml'
describe_bosh_manifest 'example-deployment' do
it { manifest.must_be_named }
it { manifest.must_specify_director_uuid }
# Checks that the subnet addresses are appropriate for the ranges specified,
# and that the ranges do not overlap.
it { manifest['networks'].must_have_consistent_subnets }
# If static addresses are specified against the jobs this checks that the
# addresses are valid for the networks the job can see.
it { manifest.must_have_appropriate_job_addresses }
it { manifest.must_declare_all_resource_pools }
it { manifest.wont_exceed_resource_pools }
# Use this check if you want to spawn the minimum instances necessary to
# deploy the jobs.
it { manifest.must_fill_resource_pools }
# Gemfile
source ""
gem 'bosh-verify-manifest'
# spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'minitest/pride'
require 'minitest/spec'
require 'bosh-verify-manifest'
$ cp ./path/to/deployment/manifest.yml example-deployment.yml
$ ruby spec/example_spec.rb
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake
MIT - see the accompanying LICENSE file for details.
To see what has changed in recent versions see the CHANGELOG. BOSH Verify Manifest follows the Rubygems RationalVersioningPolicy.