BunnyRB is a Ruby library for the Bunny API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem "bunnyrb"
Set Client Details
Firstly you'll need to grab your API Token on the Account API Key page and then configure it like below.
Bunny.configure do |config|
config.api_token = ENV["BUNNY_API_KEY"]
config.edge_name = ENV["BUNNY_EDGE_NAME"]
config.edge_region = ENV["BUNNY_EDGE_REGION"]
config.edge_api_token = ENV["BUNNY_EDGE_API_TOKEN"]
# Retrieve a list of Zone's
# Retrieve a zone
Bunny::Zone.retrieve id: 123
# Create a zone
Bunny::Zone.create(name: "mydomain.com")
# Update a zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/dnszonepublic_update
Bunny::Zone.update id: 123, LoggingEnabled: true
# Delete a zone
Bunny::Zone.delete id: 123
# Export a DNS Zone file
# Returns a string
Bunny::Zone.export id: 123
# Retrieve DNS Query Statistics for a zone
Bunny::Zone.stats id: 123
# Create a DNS Record for a zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/dnszonepublic_addrecord
Bunny::Zone.create_record zone: 123, type: "A", value: "", name: "sub"
# Update a DNS Record for a zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/dnszonepublic_updaterecord
Bunny::Zone.update_record zone: 123, record: 123, value: ""
# Delete a DNS Record for a zone
Bunny::Zone.delete_record zone: 123, record: 123
Pull Zones
# Retrieve a list of Pull Zone's
# Retrieve a pull zone
Bunny::PullZone.retrieve id: 123
# Create a pull zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/pullzonepublic_add
Bunny::PullZone.create(name: "mypullzone")
# Update a pull zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/pullzonepublic_updatepullzone
Bunny::PullZone.update id: 123, EnableGeoZoneUS: true
# Delete a pull zone
Bunny::PullZone.delete id: 123
# Purge a pull zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/pullzonepublic_purgecache
Bunny::PullZone.purge id: 123
Storage Zones
# Retrieve a list of Storage Zone's
# Retrieve a storage zone
Bunny::StorageZone.retrieve id: 123
# Create a storage zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/storagezonepublic_add
Bunny::StorageZone.create(name: "mystoragezone", region: "UK", tier: "Standard")
# Update a storage zone
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/storagezonepublic_update
Bunny::StorageZone.update id: 123, OriginUrl: "https://mysite.com"
# Delete a storage zone
Bunny::StorageZone.delete id: 123
Video Libraries
# Retrieve a list of Video Libraries
# Retrieve a video library
Bunny::VideoLibrary.retrieve id: 123
# Create a video library
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/videolibrarypublic_add
Bunny::VideoLibrary.create(name: "myvideolibrary")
# Update a video library
# API Docs: https://docs.bunny.net/reference/videolibrarypublic_update
Bunny::VideoLibrary.update id: 123, EnableDRM: true
# Delete a video library
Bunny::VideoLibrary.delete id: 123
Edge API
The Edge API is for managing files on the Bunny Edge Storage Service.
# List all files in a zone
Bunny::Edge::Upload.list(zone: "myzone", path: "/path/to/files")
# Create a file
file = File.new("myfile.txt")
response = Bunny::Edge::Upload.create(zone: "myzone", path: "/path/to/files", name: "myfile.txt", file: file)
# Download a file
# Returns a Tempfile
Bunny::Edge::Upload.download(zone: "myzone", path: "/path/to/files", name: "myfile.txt")
# Delete a file
Bunny::Edge::Upload.delete(zone: "myzone", path: "/path/to/files", name: "myfile.txt")
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/deanpcmad/bunnyrb.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.