Buoys is a Ruby on Rails breadcrumb plugin like gretel.
I like gretel and respect its idea, but I want to create simpler breadcrumb library like gretel using I18n.
In your Gemfile
gem 'buoys'
And run:
$ bundle install
Start by generating configuration and example files.
$ bin/rails g buoys:install
create config/locale/buoys.en.yml
create config/buoys/breadcrumbs.rb
create app/views/breadcrumbs/_buoys.html.erb
You can use --template haml
and --template slim
$ bin/rails g buoys:install --template haml
create config/locale/buoys.en.yml
create config/buoys/breadcrumbs.rb
create app/views/breadcrumbs/_buoys.html.haml
Then, in config/buoys/breadcrumbs.rb
buoy :stories do
link 'Stories', stories_path
# 'crumb' is the alias of 'buoy'
# ex)
crumb :stories do
link 'Stories', stories_path
# link's first argument, it is used as I18n key and defalt value.
# The key is searched in the scope of 'buoys.breadcrumbs'.
# ex)
buoy :story do |story|
link :story, story_path(story)
# same as `link I18n.t('story', scope: 'buoys.breadcrumbs', default: 'story'), story_path(story)`
# You can also override Buoys configuration
# ex)
buoy :story_tasks do |story|
link :story_tasks, story_tasks_path
pre_buoy :story, story, {link_current: true}
# You can use 'pre_buoy' as parent. 'parent' is the alias of pre_buoy`.
# ex)
buoy :story_tasks do |story|
link :story_tasks, story_tasks_path
parent :story, story
Then, set the current buoy(breadcrumb) at the top of view file (like app/views/stories/index.html.erb
<% buoy :stories %>
Then, in app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
<%= render partial: 'breadcrumbs/buoys' %>
Then, You can build and change breadcrumb app/views/breadcrumbs/_buoys.html.erb
<% if buoys.any? %>
<% buoys.each do |link| %>
<%# if 'link.current?' is true, link.options includes {class: 'current'}. %>
<%= link_to link.url, link.options do %>
<span><%= link.text %></span>
<% end %>
<% if !link.current? %>
<span> ></span>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
option | description | default |
:link_current | whether current buoy(breadcrumb) should be linked to | false |
:current_class | CSS class for current link. if you set nil , it is not set CSS class |
'active' |
You can override default configuration like below.
# config/initializers/buoys.rb
Buoys.configure do |config|
config.current_class = 'current'
Copyright (c) 2016 muryoimpl Released under the MIT license